Associate Prof. Zhang Hongxin(Zhejiang University) Invited to Give a Talk


Date9th December 2016 (Friday)






In this report, I will mainly discuss how to address the main problem in current large data analysis applications. I will be focus on the specific visual analysis processing solutions. I will address several techniques we developed recently in multiple application scenarios, including the data visualization analysis in mobile data, massive city vehicles operating data, city big data association analysis, Home Furnishing intelligent devices and mobile visualizations. Among them, I will focus on the text based on statistical and understanding algorithms to do all kinds of big data visual missions. And finally I put forward the "visual cloud computing" as a whole solution.



張宏鑫,浙江大學CAD&CG國家重點實驗室副教授,理學博士,一直從事圖形學、視覺、視覺化和雲計算等領域的交叉性研究。曾為德國亞琛工大以及香港科技大學訪問學者,並多次受法國大使館邀請訪問法國INRIA。其在重光照方面的研究工作曾獲2004Chinagraph 最佳論文獎;在網格曲面重建的工作獲得2007 年度韓國CAD學會1千萬韓元的最佳論文獎;2008 年度所在研究團隊獲高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(自然科學獎)一等獎。先後在國際國內學術期刊和重要國際會議上發表學術論文四十餘篇,並為多個國際頂級雜誌的審稿人。其論著據不完全統計被國內外同行已他引400 餘次,並有多篇論文他引超百次。
