Objectives and Contents
Recent space missions to our solar system bodies including the LRO, Kaguya, M3, Chang’E series, Dawn, Hayabusa, Rosetta, Stardust-NExT, Cassini and others have greatly advanced our knowledge about the Moon and the solar system. This international symposium aims at the international academic exchange on the topics of processing, analysis, research and applications of lunar and planetary exploration data. The symposium brings together international specialists in petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, and geology to present the latest results of research in planetary science.
The two-day symposium will be organized by topical symposia and problem-oriented sessions.
The scope of this symposium includes, but not limited to:
◊ Lunar and planetary composition
◊ Lunar and planetary topography and gravity
◊ Lunar and planetary surface processes
◊ Lunar and planetary Impacts
◊ Lunar and planetary chronologies
◊ Origin and evolution of the Moon and planets
◊ Planetary atmospheres
◊ Meteorites and cosomochemistry
◊ Asteroids and comets
◊ Planetary magnetic fields and plasmas
◊ Exoplanets: detection, characterizations and habitability
◊ Future deep space missions