1. X. B. Zhu, W. Pedrycz, Z. W. Li, Granular Representation of Data: A Design of Families of epsilon-Information Granules, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. vol.  26, no. 4, pp. 2107-2119,  AUG 2018.
  2. Z. He, Z. W. Li, A. Giua, Performance Optimization for Timed Weighted Marked Graphs Under Infinite Server Semantics, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 2573-2580, AUG 2018.
  3. J. H. Ye, M. C. Zhou, Z. W.  Li, A. Al-Ahmari, Structural Decomposition and Decentralized Control of Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1360-1369, AUG 2018.
  4. X. Y. Cong, M. P. Fanti, A. M. Mangini, Z. W. Li, On-line verification of current-state opacity by Petri nets and integer linear programming, Automatica, vol. 94, pp. 205-213, AUG 2018.
  5. G. D. Tian, H. H. Zhang, M. C. Zhou, Z. W. Li, AHP, Gray Correlation, and TOPSIS Combined Approach to Green Performance Evaluation of Design Alternatives, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems,  vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1093-1105, JUL 2018.
  6. H. Grichi, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, Z. W. Li, New Power-Oriented Methodology for Dynamic Resizing and Mobility of Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems,  vol. 48, no. 7,  pp. 1120-1130, JUL 2018.
  7. Z. T. Li, J. Liu, K. Wu, A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Structural and Attribute Similarities for Community Detection in Attributed Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1963-1976, JUL 2018.
  8. S. Ben Meskina, N. Doggaz, M. Khalgui, Z. W. Li, Reconfiguration-based methodology for improving recovery performance of faults in smart grids, Information Sciences, vol. 454, pp. 73-95, JUL 2018.
  9. M. Gasmi, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, L. Gomes, Z. W. Li, R-Node: New Pipelined Approach for an Effective Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Node, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 892-905, JUN 2018.
  10. Y. Tong, Z. W. Li, C. Seatzu, A. Giua, Current-state opacity enforcement in discrete event systems under incomparable observations, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications, vol. 28, no. 2,  pp. 161-182, JUN 2018.
  11. H. R. Ren, X. J. Liao, Z. W. Li, A. AI-Ahmari, Anomaly detection using piecewise aggregate approximation in the amplitude domain, Applied Intelligence, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1097-1110, MAY 2018.
  12. Y. P. Fu, G. D. Tian, Z. W. Li, Z. L. Wang, Parallel machine scheduling with dynamic resource allocation via a master-slave genetic algorithm, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 748-756, MAY 2018.
  13. H. R. Ren, M. M. Liu, X. J. Liao, L. Liang, Z. X. Ye, Z. W. Li, Anomaly detection in time series based on interval sets, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,  vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 757-762, MAY 2018.
  14. Y. X. Feng, Z. X. Hong, G. D. Tian, Z. W. Li, J. R. Tan, H. S. Hu, Environmentally friendly MCDM of reliability-based product optimisation combining DEMATEL-based ANP, interval uncertainty and Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR), Information Sciences, vol. 442, pp. 128-144, MAY 2018.
  15. H. C. Liu, X. Luan, Z. W. Li, J. N. Wu, Linguistic Petri Nets Based on Cloud Model Theory for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 717-728, APR 2018.
  16. X. Y. Zhang, M. Uzam, Z. W. Li, N. Q. Wu, On the synthesis of liveness-enforcing supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems using global idle places, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 165-182, MAR 2018.
  17. X. Wang, Z. W. Li, W. M. Wonham, Priority-free conditionally-preemptive scheduling of modular sporadic real-time systems, Automatica, vol. 89, pp. 392-397, MAR 2018.
  18. X. Wang, Y. Qiao, N. Q. Wu, Z. W. Li, T. Qu, On optimization of thermal sensation satisfaction rate and energy efficiency of public rooms: A case study, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 176, pp. 990-998, MAR 2018.
  19. Z. W. Li, M. C. Zhou, N. Q. Wu, Y. S. Huang, Special Issue on Modeling, Simulation, Operation and Control of Discrete Event Systems, Applied Sciences-Basel, vol. 8, no. 2, FEB 2018.
  20. M. Bashir, D. Liu, M. Uzam, N. Q. Wu, A. Al-Ahmari, Z. W. Li, Optimal enforcement of liveness to flexible manufacturing systems modeled with Petri nets via transition-based controllers, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, JAN 29 2018.
  21. Z. Y. Ma, Z. He, Z. W. Li, A. Giua, Design of Monitor-based Supervisors in Labelled Petri Nets, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 374-380, 2018.
  22. A. Sohail, L. Sherin, S. I. Butt, S. Javed, Z. W. Li, S. Iqbal, O. A. Be'g, Role of key players in paradigm shifts of prostate cancer bone metastasis, Cancer Management and Research, vol. 10, pp. 1619-1626, 2018.
  23. J. F. Zhang, G. Frey, A. Al-Ahmari, T. Qu, N. Q. Wu, Z. W. Li, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Reconfiguration Processes of Manufacturing Systems, IEEE ACCESS,  vol. 6, pp. 28028-28040, 2018.
  24. H. R. Ren, X. X. Li, Z. W. Li, W. Pedrycz, Data Representation Based on Interval-Sets for Anomaly Detection in Time Series, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 27473-27479, 2018.
  25. H. Chniter, Y. T. Li, M. Khalgui, A. Koubaa, Z. W. Li, F. Jarray, Multi-Agent Adaptive Architecture for Flexible Distributed Real-Time Systems, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 23152-23171, 2018.
  26. X. Y. Zhang, Q. J. Du, S. L. Ma, H. H. Geng, W. J. Hu, Z. W. Li, G. Q. Liu, Permeance Analysis and Calculation of the Double-Radial Rare-Earth Permanent Mag Voltage-Stabilizing Generation Device, IEEE ACCESS,  vol. 6, pp. 23939-23947, 2018.
  27. Y. Z. Qiang, G. D. Tian, Y. M. Liu, Z. W. Li, Energy-Efficiency Models of Sustainable Urban Transportation Structure Optimization, IEEE ACCESS,  vol. 6, pp. 18192-18199, 2018.
  28. I. Ghribi, R. Ben Abdallah, M. Khalgui, Z. W. Li, K. Alnowibet, M, Platzner, R-Codesign: Codesign Methodology for Real-Time Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Under Energy Constraints, IEEE ACCESS,  vol. 6, pp. 14078-14092, 2018.
  29. L. Yin, Z. W. Li, N. Q. Wu, S. G. Wang, T. Qu, Fault Diagnosis in Partially Observed Petri Nets Using Redundancies, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 7541-7556, 2018.
  30. X. Y. Cong, Y. F. Chen, Z. W. Li, N. Q. Wu, E. A. Nasr, A. M. El-Tamimi, Optimal Petri Net Supervisors of Discrete Event Systems via Weighted and Data Inhibitor Arcs, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6,  pp. 8245-8257, 2018.
  31. W. Housseyni, O, Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, Z. W. Li, L. Yin, Multiagent Architecture for Distributed Adaptive Scheduling of Reconfigurable Real-Time Tasks With Energy Harvesting Constraints, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 2068-2084, 2018.
  32. H. F. Jia, Q. Li, G. D. Tian, M. C. Zhou, Z. W. Li, Random Fuzzy Cost-Profit Equilibrium Model for Locating a Discrete Service Enterprise, IEEE ACCESS,  vol. 6, pp. 4387-4394, 2018.
  33. X. Y. Cong, C. Gu, M. Uzam, Y. F. Chen, A. M. Al-Ahmari, N. Q. Wu, M. C. Zhou, Z. W. Li, Design of Optimal Petri Net Supervisors for Flexible Manufacturing Systems via Weighted Inhibitor Arcs, Asian Journal of Control, vol. 20,  no. 1, pp. 511-530, JAN 2018.
  34. H. M. Zhang, L. Feng, N. Q. Wu, Z. W. Li, Integration of Learning-Based Testing and Supervisory Control for Requirements Conformance of Black-Box Reactive Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 2-15, JAN 2018.
  35. D. S. Li, C. Y. Zhang, G. D. Tian, X. Y. Shao, Z. W. Li, Multiobjective Program and Hybrid Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for the Mixed-Model Two-Sided Assembly Lines Subject to Multiple Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 119-129, JAN 2018.
  36. D. A. Zaitsev, Z. W. Li, On simulating Turing machines with inhibitor Petri nets, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 147-156, JAN 2018.
  37. O. Karoui, M. Khalgui , Y. F. Chen, N. Q. Wu, Ateekh-ur-rehman, U. Umer, State Space Characterization of Disjunctive Single-Unit Resource Allocation Systems, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 51515-51527, 2018.
  38. S. H. Teng, N. Q. Wu, H. B. Zhu, L. Y. Teng, and W. Zhang, SVM–DT–Based adaptive and collaborative intrusion detection, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 5, no. 1, 108-118, Jan. 2018.
  39. F. J. Yang, N. Q. Wu, Y. Qiao, and M. C. Zhou, Polynomial approach to optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling of treelike hybrid multi-cluster tools via Petri nets, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 5, no. 1, 270-280, Jan. 2018.
  40. N. Q. Wu, Z. W. Li, K. Barkaoui, X. Li, T. Murata, and M. C. Zhou, IoT-based smart and complex systems: a guest editorial report, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 5, no. 1, 69-73, Jan. 2018.
  41. Y. S. An, N. Q. Wu, X. M. Zhao, X. Li, and P. Chen, Hierarchical colored Petri nets for modeling and analysis of transit signal priority control system, Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, Paper No. 141: 1-24, Jan. 2018.
  42. X. Wang, N. Q. Wu, Y. Qiao, and Q. B. Song, Assessment of energy saving practices of hospitality industry in Macau, Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 1, Paper No. 255: 1-14, Jan. 2018.
  43. F. J. Yang, N. Q. Wu, Y. Qiao, and M. C. Zhou, Optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling of hybrid multirobot cluster tools with tree topology, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 2, 289-298, Feb. 2018.
  44. F. J. Yang, N. Q. Wu, Y. Qiao, M. C. Zhou, R. Su, and T. Qu, Petri net-based efficient determination of optimal schedule for transport-dominant single-arm multi-cluster tools, IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, 355-365, Feb. 2018.
  45. Q. H. Zhu, M. C. Zhou, Y. Qiao, and N. Q. Wu, Petri net modeling and scheduling of a close-down process for time-constrained single-arm cluster tools, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 3, 389-400, Mar. 2018.
  46. Q. Su, F. He, N. Q. Wu, and Z. Y. Lin, A method for construction of software protection technology application Sequence based on Petri net with inhibitor arcs, IEEE Access, vol.6, no. 1, 11968-12000, Mar. 2018.
  47. Y. Qiao, N. Q. Wu, F. J. Yang, M. C. Zhou, and Q. H. Zhu, Wafer sojourn time fluctuation analysis of time-constrained dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting and activity time variation, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 4, 622-636, Apr. 2018.
  48. C. R. Pan, M. C. Zhou, Y. Qiao, and N. Q. Wu, Scheduling cluster tools in semiconductor manufacturing: recent advances and challenges, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, 586-601, Apr. 2018.
  49. F. J. Yang, N. Q. Wu, K. Z. Gao, C. J. Zhang, Y. T. Zhou, R. Su, and Y. Qiao, Efficient approach to cyclic scheduling of single-arm cluster tools with chamber cleaning operations and wafer residency time constraint, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 31, no. 2, 196-205, May 2018.
  50. N. Q. Wu, T. Nishi, and M. Uzam, Modeling, scheduling, and control in advanced production systems, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, 1-3, Jun. 2018.
  51. X. Luo, M. C. Zhou, S. Li, and M, Shang, An Inherently Nonnegative Latent Factor Model for High-Dimensional and Sparse Matrices from Industrial Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 2011-2022, May 2018.
  52. L. Li, X. Lin, M. C. Zhou, and L. Fu, Sociability-based Influence Diffusion Probability Model to Evaluate Influence of BBS Post, Neurocomputing, vol. 293, pp. 18–28, March 2018.
  53. Q. Kang, X. Chen, S. Li, and M. C. Zhou, A Noise-Filtered Under-Sampling Scheme for Imbalanced Classification, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 4263 – 4274, Dec. 2018.
  54. Y. Guo, X. Hu, B. HU, J. Cheng, M. C. Zhou and R. Y. K. Kwok, Mobile Cyber Physical Systems: Current Challenges and Future Networking Applications, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 12360-12368, 2018.
  55. P. Zhang and M. C. Zhou, Dynamic Cloud Task Scheduling Based on a Two-stage Strategy, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 772-783, April 2018.
  56. P. Zhang, Y. Kong, and M. C. Zhou, A Domain Partition-Based Trust Model for Unreliable Clouds, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics Security, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 2167-2178, Sept. 2018.
  57. P. Zhang, M. C. Zhou and G. Fortino, Security and trust issues in Fog computing: A survey, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 88, pp. 16-27, November 2018.
  58. Z. Ning, X. Hu, Z. Chen, M. C. Zhou, B. Hu, J. Cheng, M. S. Obaidat, A Cooperative Quality-Aware Service Access System for Social Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2506 – 2517, Aug. 2018.
  59. B. H. Lin and Z. Y. Yin, The Cauchy problem for a generalized Camassa-Holm equation with the velocity potential, Applicable Analysis, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 354-367, 2018.
  60. W. Luo and Z. Y. Yin, Gevrey regularity and analyticity for Camassa-Holm type systems, The Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1061–1079, 2018.
  61. R. D. Zheng and Z. Y. Yin, Global weak solutions for a two-component Camassa-Holm system with an arbitrary smooth function, Applicable Analysis, vol. 97, no. 12, pp. 2085–2096, 2018.
  62. J. L. Li and Z. Y. Yin, Global well-posedness for the viscous shallow water system with Korteweg type, Applicable Analysis, vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 2865-2879, 2018.
  63. Mutarraf, K. Barkaoui, Z. W. Li, N. Q. Wu, and T. Qu, Transformation of business process model and notation models onto Petri nets and their analysis, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 10, no. 12, 1-21, Dec. 2018.
  64. Gu, Z. W. Li, N. Q. Wu, M. Khalgui, T. Qu, and A. Al-Ahmari, Improved multi-step look-ahead control policies for automated manufacturing systems, IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, 68824-68838, Dec. 2018.
  65. S. An, N. Q. Wu, and P. Chen, Short-term scheduling of vehicle testing system using object Petri net, IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, 61317-61330, Dec. 2018.
  66. Karoui, M. Khalgui, Y. F. Chen, N. Q. Wu, A. Rehman, and U. Umer, State space characterization of disjunctive single-unit resource allocation systems, IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, 51515-51527, Dec. 2018.
  67. Y. Liu, P. Li, N. Q. Wu, and L. Yin, Two-step approach to robust deadlock control in automated manufacturing systems with multiple resource failures, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 41, no. 4, 484-494, Oct. 2018.
  68. Gu, X. Wang, Z. W. Li, and N. Q. Wu, Supervisory control of state-tree structures with partial observation, Information Sciences, vol. 465, 523-544, Oct. 2018.
  69. Y. Jiang, Z. W. Li, N. Q. Wu, and M. C. Zhou, A Petri net approach to fault diagnosis and restoration for power transmission systems to avoid the output interruption of substations, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 12, no. 3, 2566-2579, Sep. 2018.
  70. Ye, C.C. Liu, Z.W. Li, A. AI-Ahmari, Improved frame-by-frame object pose tracking in complex environments, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 77, no. 19, 24983-25004, Oct. 2018.
  71. Cong, M.P. Fanti, A.M. Mangini, Z.W. Li, Decentralized diagnosis by Perti Nets and integer linear programming, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 10, 1689-1700, Oct. 2018.
  72. Zhu, W. Pedrycz, Z.W. Li, A desing of granular takagi-sugeno fuzzy model through the synergy of fuzzy subspace clustering and optimal allocation of information granularity, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 26, no. 5, 2499-2509, Oct. 2018.
  73. Ben Ahmed, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, Z.W. Li, Toward a new methodology for an efficient test of reconfigurable hardware systems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 15, no. 4, 1864-1882, Oct. 2018.
  74. Zhang, L. Feng, Z.W. Li, A learning-based synthesis approach to the supremal nonblocking supervisor of discrete-event systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 63, no. 10, 3345-3360, Oct. 2018.
  75. Zhu, Z.W. Li, N.Q. Wu, Model-based fault identification of discrete event systems using paritially observed Petri nets, Automatica, vol. 96, 201-212, Oct. 2018.
  76. Jiang, M. Khalgui, A. AI-Ahmari, Z.W. Li, N.Q. Wu, M.C. Zhou, Automatic sypervisory control for the self-healing of smart grids based on colored Petri nets, IEEJ transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 13, no. 11, 1612-1623, Nov. 2018.
  77. Zhu, W. Pedrycz, Z.W. Li, Granular models and granular outliers, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 26, no. 6, 3835-3846, Dec. 2018.
  78. Sohail, F. Chighoub, Z.W. Li, Spectral analysis of the stochastic time-fractional-Kdv equation, Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 57, no. 4, Dec. 2018.
  79. Sohail, O.A. Beg, Z.W. Li, S. Celik, Physics of fractional imaging in biomedicine, Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, vol. 140, 13-20, Dec. 2018.
  80. Gao, W.S. Chen, Z.W. Li, J. Li, Event-triggered cooperative learning from output feedback control for multi-agent systems, Neurocomputing, vol. 322, 70-79, Dec. 2018.
  81. Liu, L.E. Wang, Z.W. Li, Y.P. Hu, Improving risk evaluation in FMEA with cloud model and hierarchical TOPSIS method, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 27, no. 1. 84-95, Jan. 2018.
  82. Li, Y. Xia, M. Zhou, X. Sun, and Q. Zhu, “Fluctuation-aware and predictive workflow scheduling in cost-effective infrastructure-as-a-service clouds,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 61488–61502, 2018.
  83. Kang, L. Shi, M. C. Zhou, X. Wang, Q. Wu, and Z. Wei, “A Distance-based Weighted Undersampling Scheme for Support Vector Machines and its Application to Imbalanced Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(9), pp. 4152 – 4165, Sept. 2018.
  84. Li, M. Zhou, and X. Luo, “Modified Primal-Dual Neural Networks for Motion Control of Redundant Manipulators with Dynamic Rejection of Harmonic Noises,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(10), pp. 4791 - 4801, Oct. 2018.
  85. Luan, G. Liu, C. Jiang, and M. C. Zhou, “MPTR: A Maximal-Marginal-Relevance-Based Personalized Trip Recommendation Method,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(11), pp. 3461-3474, 2018.
  86. Zhang, M. Zhou and G. Fortino, "Security and trust issues in Fog computing: A survey," Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 88, pp. 16-27, November 2018.
  87. Kang, X. Chen, S. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “A Noise-Filtered Under-Sampling Scheme for Imbalanced Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47(12), pp. 4263 – 4274, Dec. 2018.
  88. Xuya; Chen, Yufeng; Li, Zhiwu; Wu, Naiqi; Nasr, Emad Abouel; El-Tamimi, Abdulaziz Mohammed, Optimal Petri Net Supervisors of Discrete Event Systems via Weighted and Data Inhibitor Arcs, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 8245-8257, 2018.
  89. Karoui, Mohamed Khalgui, Yufeng Chen, Naiqi Wu, Ateekh-Ur Rehman, Usama Umer, State Space Characterization of Disjunctive Single-Unit Resource Allocation Systems, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 51515 - 51527, 2018.
  90. Wang, H. Liu, KZ Gao, J.X. Zhang, A multi-species artificial bee colony algorithm and its applications for crowd simulation, IEEE Access, 7: 2549-2558, Dec 2018.


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