Lab for Drug Discovery from Natural Resource(R&D Center)

The (R & D Center) Lab. for Drug Discovery from Natural Resources draws on the basic and clinical research resources of the School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine of Macau University of Science and Technology, and cooperates with the top research team of the state key laboratory of natural and biomimetic drugs of Peking University to focus on the research of "source discovery of natural and innovative drugs". This research will make up for our country's shortcomings in the source discovery of natural and innovative drugs. It will also focus on original plans based on the source research and development of natural and innovative drugs through cutting-edge research on drug innovation, leading the development direction of international drug creation. On this basis, we will continue to improve the mechanism oriented by clinical and industrial needs, create an organized research paradigm that seamlessly connects "basic research and new drug discovery, new drug development and clinical transformation", and form a complete innovation chain, talent chain, and technology for new drug creation. The chain and financial capital chain will help our country create a historic leap from imitation to innovation.

At the same time, The (R & D Center) Lab. for Drug Discovery from Natural Resources will be a source of innovation leading the research and development of new drugs in our country and an incubation center for national new drug cutting-edge technologies and high-end results, from Macao to global.

The team’s research areas include:

1) Preclinical research of a drug delivery system for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease using SPRC derived from natural products;

2) Research and development of the natural product hirsutine;

3) Small molecule inhibitors derived from natural products delaying vascular aging;

4) Pre-clinical research on the natural product drug leonurine (SCM-198).

Team leader: Academician Yi Zhun Zhu

Contact Us


N511, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau

Tel: (+853) 8897-3411


Fax: (+853) 2899-0899