Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management of M.U.S.T. Hosted New Student Orientation for Year 2023/2024

To celebrate the new academic year and to help new students better adapt to campus life, the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM) hosted the New Student Orientation on 15th September 2023 at the R Grand Auditorium to welcome the more than 350 teachers and new students who attended the event.

Performance by Teachers and Students (From Left: Darth Liu, Assistant Dean Jose Wong, and Coco Liang)

Professor Ben K. Goh, Dean of FHTM, delivered a welcoming speech with valuable ideas and grand wishes to the new students. He encouraged them to adopt a healthy lifestyle both for their physical and mental health, to develop good study habits, to participate in Faculty and University activities, to have good manners, morals, and ethics, to get to know the teachers and make new friends, and to try to learn more languages.

Welcome Speech by Dean Ben K. Goh

Then the student representatives gave a speech, including Yu Duo from the bachelor program of International Tourism Management, Shen Hanyue from the bachelor program of Hotel Management, and Liu Sifan from the doctoral program of Tourism Management. They said they were grateful for this opportunity to study at M.U.S.T. They believed that the University would provide enough resources and strength to create a new journey for all the students. They also hoped that they could constantly gain new knowledge, mature, and make progress together.

Student Representatives Gave a Speech (From Left: Yu Duo, Liu Sifan, and Shen Hanyue)

Assistant Dean Associate Professor Jose Wong Weng Chou introduced the background of FHTM and each teacher to the audience. During the orientation, current students were awarded the “FHTM Team Excellent Helper” in appreciation of their contributions to Faculty activities.

Assistant Dean Jose Wong Introduced FHTM

Dean Presented the Award of “FHTM Team Excellent Helper” to Students

Lastly, the Vice-President of the FHTM Student Union, Lu Ziming introduced the union and membership-related matters. Finally, a group photo was taken with all the teachers and students and the event ended successfully in a harmonious atmosphere.

Introduction of FHTM Student Union by Chairman Lu Ziming