美国佛罗里达国际大学He Xudong教授应邀演讲

July 29, 2016

Talk by Prof. He Xudong, Florida International University, USA.


Title: PIPE + - An Environment for Building and Analyzing High Level Petri Net Models


Abstract: High level Petri nets have been developed to model data, structure, and functionality of concurrent and distributed systems in addition to the control flows supported by low level Petri nets. Although high level Petri nets have been around since 1980s, there are few successful tools to support high level Petri nets due to the lack of international standardization. In the past few years, we have leveraged an open source low level Petri net development environment – Platform Independent Petri net Environment (PIPE), and extended it to support high level Petri nets where complex data types and transitions expressed in first order logic formulas can be defined. To analyze high level Petri nets, we have developed a variety of complementary techniques including simulation, model checking, bounded model checking, and term rewriting utilizing mature and cutting edge third party tools including SPIN, Z3, and Maude. We will present our ongoing work in developing this tool environment and demonstrate its use through examples of security patterns and Android permission mechanisms.

Bio-sketch:Xudong He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Nanjing University, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Virginia Tech in 1989. He joined the faculty of the School of Computing and Information Science (SCIS) at Florida International University (FIU) in 2000, where he is a full professor. Prior to joining FIU, he has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at North Dakota State University since 1989. His research interests include formal methods, especially Petri nets, and software testing techniques. He has published over 140 papers in the above areas. He was ranked as the top 15 scholars in systems and software engineering worldwide between 1999 and 2003 by Journal of Systems and Software. His research has been funded by the NSF, AFRL, ONR, NASA, and DOE. He has been the major advisor of 14 Ph.D. and 36 M.S. graduates. Dr. He is a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery and a Senior Member of the IEEE Computer Society.