Faculty Members sent to PATA Human Capital Development Training Program

In an effort to enable the faculty to gain a solid insight into the current status and future trend of the industry and build ties with other member institutions of Pacific Asia Travel Association, and as a component of Experiential Learning in Hospitality and Tourism Management, FHTM has sent two faculty members to the training program “Human Capital Development – This Decade’s Tourism Challenge” on June 2-4, 2015 held by PATA Academy at the PATA Engagement Hub in PATA Headquarters in Bangkok. The training program addressed the problem of lack in expertise and leadership in tourism industry, and presented a panoramic view of visitor economy, which is also inspirational for faculty teambuilding and curricular design of FHTM. Participants of the program have also paid a site visit to Bangkok University’s Tourism Tower, School of Humanities and Tourism Management, which is equipped with a state-of-the-art facility that provides its students the opportunity to work in a real world setting, offering training opportunities in its hotel simulated laboratories, including standard rooms, suites, restaurants, coffee shops, and kitchens. The faculty members have also discussed with hoteliers who were also participants in this program the prospect of sending the students to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and other countries or regions for professional internship.

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PATA 2017