Chen Ke Ji, Doctor of Medicine honoris causa
Traditional Chinese medicine is a magical crystallization of the extraordinary creativity of the Chinese nation. A basic element in Chinese medicine, the theory of Qi of the blood, originated from ‘the medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor’s Canon’, and has laid the theoretical foundation for Chinese medical traumatology. Numerous patients have cured and relieved from pain as a result of this. Here we have a contemporary Chinese man, who has dedicated himself unstintingly and relentlessly to the pursuit of the ancient doctors’ heritage. Over the course of 50 years, his medicine has provided remarkable cures for many diseases. He is widely recognized and admired in the international medical circle.
The combination of Chinese and western medicine represents the integration of two cultures. As a long-standing technique, traditional Chinese medicine is becoming increasingly popular in the west. Meanwhile, the advanced western medical theory and techniques have gradually been absorbed into the Chinese medical field. Here we have a contemporary Chinese man who has dedicated himself to the merging of Chinese and western medical theories and practices for more than half a century. He established the integrative medicine, a significant step forward in the world of medical practice.
He is Professor Chen Ke Ji, master of the western and Chinese medicine, and a renowned and reputable scholar. He is the only academician to specialize in traditional Chinese medicine at the Chinese Academy of Science. He has been the chairman of the world committee on integrative medicine for 3 consecutive terms. And he inherited the mantle of traditional medicine, which is a national non-material cultural heritage.
Today, we have the great privilege to invite Professor Chen Ke Ji, the inheritor and the pioneer of Chinese medicine. Welcome, Professor Chen, to join MUST as honorary doctor. Congratulations!