

International Workshop on Humankind and Nature: An Endangered System of Interdependence in Today’s Globalising World.

Professor Keith Morrison (Registrar) presented a paper ‘Eclipse and Restoration: Interconnectedness and Interdependence beyond the Imperatives of Materialism’ at this international workshop. Participants came from across the world, including USA, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Macau and South East Asia, and was organized by the Macau Ricci Institute, on 7 & 8 November.


祈務晨教授(教務長)於此國際工作坊上發表了以「屏蔽與重現:當前物質主義之外的相互連繫及依存(Eclipse and Restoration: Interconnectedness and Interdependence beyond the Imperatives of Materialism)」為題的文章。工作坊由澳門利氏學社主辦,參與者來自世界各地,包括美國、臺灣、中國內地、香港及東南亞等。