橫琴粵澳深度合作區總體發展方案即將出臺,為了能夠更好地推動大灣區特別是澳門的金融科技進步與金融發展,促進澳門經濟適度多元化,澳門科技大學商學院、澳門金融科技創新研究院及中國人民大學英文期刊Economic and Political StudiesEPS於2021年11月12日舉辦“Research and Policy Forum on FinTech in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”粵港澳大灣區金融科技發展政策及學術研討會,研討會內容包括2個主旨演講及3個學術分論壇。本次會議旨在為國內外學者、金融從業者及學生提供高質量的交流平臺,推動金融科技領域重要問題的深入研究與交流,探討金融科技發展的機遇與挑戰,為促進澳門、粵港澳大灣區、中國金融科技創新貢獻力量。 

合辦單位: 澳門科技大學商學院、澳門金融科技創新研究院、中國人民大學Economic and Political Studies期刊


地點:(線下) 澳門科技大學圖書館大樓N101禮堂

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Research and Policy Forum on FinTech in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area


主講嘉賓: Doreen Pun, Deputy Director of Banking Supervision Department of AMCM

講者: Haiqiang Chen, Xiamen University

題目:Does digital finance help reduce self-rationing behavior of small and medium firms?

講者: Ligang Zhou, Macau University of Science and Technology, Credit risk modeling on data with two timestamps in peer-to-peer lending by gradient boosting


Research Forum on “Development of FinTech


主講嘉賓:Shiyang Huang, University of Hong Kong

題目:Trust in Defi: An empiricial Study of the Decentralized Exchange

講者: Xin Liu, Renmin University of China

題目:No More Free Lunch: The Increasing Popularity of Machine Learning and Market Efficiency

講者: Dun (Calvin) Jia, Peking University, HSBC Bunisess School, Fintech and Banking Competition in the Deposit Market

講者: Ke Wu, Renmin University of China

題目:The value of FinTech innovations for finance industry: Evidence from China

講者: Su Wang, University of Amsterdam

題目:Predicting New Firm Survival and Growth: The Power of Alternative Data

如有查詢,請聯絡商學院辦公室 (電話: 8897-2025,電郵: msb_inquiry@must.edu.mo)。