Zong, Qiu Gang
Chair Professor/ Director
- Space Physics;
- Space Exploration;
- Planetary magnetospheric physics
qgzong@ must.edu.mo
Zhu, Meng Hua
- Impact cratering on planetary surface;
- Lunar and planetary remote sensing observation (X/gamma-ray, neutron, hyper-spectroscopy);
mhzhu@ must.edu.mo
Zhang, Xiao Ping
- Planetary dust and radiation environment;
- Planetary nuclear physics;
- Planetary remote sensing;
xpzhang@ must.edu.mo
Ni, Dong Dong
Associate Professor
- Interior structure and evolution of Jovian planet;
- Ground ice stability on Mars;
- Interior structure of rocky exoplanets;
ddni@ must.edu.mo
André Antunes
Associate Professor
- Astrobiology;
- Microbiology of Extreme Environments;
- Geomicrobiology;
aglantunes@ must.edu.mo
David C Fernández Remolar
Associate Professor
- Astrobiology;
- Geobiology;
- Planetary Geology;
dcfremolar@ must.edu.mo
Xu, Xiao Jun
Associate Professor
- Solar wind magnetic reconnection;
- Lunar plasma environment;
- Planetary space physics;
xjxu@ must.edu.mo
Xu, Yi
Associate Professor
- Analogy study of Qaidam Basin and Mars;
- Microwave/Lunar radar sounder signal analysis for “Chang-E” series satellitest;
- Computer Architecture;
yixu@ must.edu.mo
Cai, Tao
Associate Professor
- Stellar and planetary atmospheres;
- Computational fluid dynamics;
- Applied mathematics;
tcai@ must.edu.mo
Chow, Kim Chiu
Associate Professor
- Numerical Modeling of Planetary Atmospheres;
- Climate Dynamics;
- General Circulation and Dust Storms on Earth and Mars;
kcchow@ must.edu.mo
Roberto Bugiolacchi
Assistant Professor
- Geology of Planetary Surfaces;
- Lunar Remote Sensing;
rbugiolacchi@ must.edu.mo
Tang, Chi Pui
Assistant Professor
- Meteorite;
- First-Principles Calculation;
cptang@ must.edu.mo
Du, Pei Xin
Assistant Professor
- Hydrous minerals and paleoenvironments of Mars;
- Mars analog studies (e.g., Qaidam);
- Clay mineralogy;
pxdu@ must.edu.mo
Jin, Zi Liang
Assistant Professor
- Material migaration in solar system;
- Volatiles in solar system objects;
- Applications of ion probes in planetary science;
zljin@ must.edu.mo
Zou, Zheng Yang
Assistant Professor
- Solar wind-Magenetosphere coupling;
- Dynamics of Earth's radiation belt electrons;
zyzou@ must.edu.mo
Hui, Man To
Assistant Professor
- Dynamics and physical characterisation of comets and active asteroids, and other related small bodies;
- Formation of the solar system;
mthui@ must.edu.mo
Ou, Jia Ming
Assistant Professor
- Geomagnetic Field;
- Satellite Data analysis and modelling;
jmou@ must.edu.mo
Marta Filipa Simões
Assistant Professor
- Astrobiology;
- Microbiology;
- Applied Mycology;
msimoes@ must.edu.mo
Liu, Jing
Assistant Professor
- Water-rock interaction;
- Mineralogy of natural Fe- and Mn-rich specimen and their implication to paleoenvironment;
- Growth and phase transformation of nanominerals
jingliu@ must.edu.mo
Lu, Yang Yu
Assistant Professor
- Impact cratering experiments
yangyulu@ must.edu.mo
Gao, Ying Jie
Assistant Professor
yijgao@ must.edu.mo
Xu, Lu Yuan
Assistant Professor
- Impact Cratering;
- Jovian satellites and the Moon;
lyxu@ must.edu.mo
Xiao, Jing
Assistant Professor
- Mountain meteorology;
- Tropical cyclone (TC) and other mesoscale severe weather systems;
- Climatology and dynamics of dust storms on Mars;
jxiao@ must.edu.mo
Zhao, Yong
Assistant Professor
- Geochemistry, planetary internal structure;
- Subduction Zone, Water Content in the Mantle Source
yozhao@ must.edu.mo
Fu, Shuai
Assistant Professor
- Energy particles in the heliosohere;
sfu@ must.edu.mo
Shen, Zhen Ning
Assistant Professor
- Space energetic particles in the planetary magnetophere and heliosphere;
- Space weather;
znshen@ must.edu.mo
Zhou, Zi Lu
Assistant Professor
- Solar wind, Magnetic reconnection;
- Turbulence;
- Interplanetary coronal mass ejections;
zlzhou@ must.edu.mo
Zuo, Hong Yan
Assistant Professor
- Microbe-Mineral Interaction;
hyzuo@ must.edu.mo