FHTM Students visited Macau Parisian Hotel

On 23rd April, 2018, 60 FHTM students visited Parisian Hotel Macau. The tour was organized by Miss Amy, Chan Sao Chai, Assistant Administrative Officer of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Planning (CECP), and Dr. Hsu Fu Chieh, Assistant Professor of FHTM. The goal of the tour was to enhance the cognition of hotel operations, services and work functions of various departments for students. The tour had broadened the students’ vision and understanding of the Sands Hotel Group and the Parisian Hotel, also widen their understanding of the hotel industry and navigate their future career direction.

The MUST Students received warm welcome from hotel representatives. The hotel representative introduced the company's corporate structure, business operations and other information, and led the students to visit the unique configuration of the hotel suites and all the important departments. In addition, the hotel also invited the director of the catering department and the director of the room division to give a speech to students, sharing their own experience in the industry, and gave career planning advice to students. After the event, students felt that it was a very rare experience and at the same time it played an important role in deepening the understanding of the way they run hotels and enhancing the understanding of their own career development through the tour. In addition, this event also paved the way for the hotel industry to absorb new forces and create a win-win situation.

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Building O, O307, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau

Guest House:
Tel: (+853) 88972014
E-mail: guesthouse@must.edu.mo
Address: Building L, Macau University of Science and Technology Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau

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PATA 2017