Third Online Lecture of FHTM’s “Seminars by Restaurant Managers” entitled “Marketing of Food and Beverage Industry” by Mr. James Law

The third lecture of the “Seminars by Restaurant Managers” hosted by Faculty of Hospitality and Hotel Management (FHTM) was held via ZOOM on June 24, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. Mr. James Law, Acting Operations Manager (Macau) of Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited, Jardine Restaurant Group, was invited to give a talk entitled “Marketing of Food and Beverage Industry”. This Seminar was hosted by Mr. Daniel Kwok, Lecturer of FHTM and Dr. Brenda Yang nearly 40 students and teachers attended this online seminar. The seminar was sponsored by Macao Foundation.

Mr. Law first introduced the company background of Pizza Hut. Meanwhile, he explained how to deliver new news to market to attract different segment of customers through the specific cases of Pizza Hut. Finally, Mr. Law also shared the Internship Program of Pizza Hut to FHTM students and offered his suggestions to our students on their future career development. During the online seminar, the teachers and students were very interested in the topic of Food & Beverage Marketing and had an intensive discussion with Mr. Law.

The FHTM has never stopped enriching students’ learning experiences through offering all kinds of learning opportunities. By participating in this seminar, students were able to encounter with the great professional managers, which broadened their knowledge and view on Food & Beverage Industry.

Mr. James Law, Acting Operations Manager (Macau) of Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited, Jardine Restaurant Group

Third Online Lecture of FHTM’s “Seminars by Restaurant Managers”
entitled “Marketing of Food and Beverage Industry”

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