“Hotel Development and Investment ” Presented by Ms. Beira (Xianhe) Fu

M.U.S.T. Alumni and the Founder of Beijing Synling Asset Management Technology Co., Ltd., Ms. Beira Fu, was invited by Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management of Macau University of Science and Technology and M.U.S.T. Alumni Federation to hold a seminar entitled “Hotel Development and Investment” in D Hall. This seminar was sponsored by the Macau Foundation.

Dr. Jose Wong presented a souvenir to Ms. Beira Fu

During the talk, Ms. Beira Fu introduced the essential information and core business transactions of hotel asset management briefly. Then she gave a comprehensive explanation of the whole project of hotel development and investment, including positioning and feasibility research, brand selection, hotel asset securitization and asset management, as well as some real cases of hotel mergers and acquisitions, so that students had a better understanding of industry information. Students were actively participating when Ms. Beira Fu used professional tools to simulate the analysis of hotel development and investment.

Ms. Beira Fu’s group photo with faculty members and students

Ms. Beira Fu also shared her experience of her undergraduate and postgraduate life, as well as the work experience of hotel asset management, encouraging students to cherish the opportunity of studying in Macau and to learn more about the local hotel culture. Finally, during the Q&A session, she introduced the specific functions of the hotel development department and shared her suggestions for internships in different types of hotels. This lecture not only helped students to gain professional knowledge about hotel asset management, but also helped them to gain more understanding about hotel development and investment.

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PATA 2017