“The Innovation and Development of Hotel Products” Academic Seminar by Professor Peng Qing

The Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM) launched the academic seminar on February 24th, 2021. Prof. Peng Qing, Sun Yat-Sen University was invited to give a lecture, and the seminar was attended by FHTM Dean Prof. Ben K Goh, Program Director Zhang Yang, Assistant professor Zhang Su, Assistant professor Gou Rui, Assistant professor Hsu Fu Chieh, and nearly 150 postgraduate students in D hall. Over 100 students attended via Zoom. The seminar was sponsored by the Macau Foundation.

Professor Peng Qing

Prof. Peng Qing is a professor and teaching supervisor of the School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-Sen University. Professor Peng's main research areas are tourism accommodation industry management, human resource development and management, catering industry management, and tourism education studies.

In this workshop, Professor Peng Qing illustrated the transformation of the hotel industry in China. She analyzed the current situation of hotel products and proposed strategies for innovation and development. At the seminar, FHTM teachers and students participated in engaging discussions and some students asked Professor Peng about the development tendency of the hotel industry. Professor Peng patiently explained and resolved students’ perplexities. Through this academic seminar, students know more about the development trends of the hotel industry by discussing and analyzing cases brought by the expert, which may enable and contribute to future academic research.

FHTM Teachers and Students Interacted with the Guest Speaker

Group Photo with Guest Speaker, FHTM Teachers and Students

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PATA 2017