MUST New Faculty/Research Members Orientation 2015/2016

A series of orientationwas organized for new faculty/research members in MUST from August 31st to September 7th, 2015. Principal Officers including President Liu Liang, Vice President Pang Su Seng, Vice President Chen Xi, Vice President Tong Ka Lok, and heads of each department and faculty attended the activities. More than 40 new teachers and researchers join the university in the new semester.  

The orientation was divided into different sessions to introduce to the new faculty/research members the university’s organizational structure, mission, strategic plan, teaching requirements, school regulations, development of academic research and other administrative affairs, in order to help the new members to get acquainted to the new academic and research environment, and to show them the support from the university.

During the orientation, school leaders, academic/research and administrative division heads introduced each faculty and department of the university, and then discussed different teaching principles and shared teaching experience with the new members. Formal teacher training programs were also provided. The orientation activities not only help the new teachers to adapt to the new working environment, but also provide a chance for the old and new members to get to know each other, which facilitates the establishment of the campus culture which features harmony and excellence, and opens up a new prospect for education and research.

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Prof. Liu Liang introduced the university to the new faculty/research members

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The university leaders, led by Prof. Liu Liang, proposed a toast to the new faculty/research member in the luncheon