Prof. Roger Falconer’s Talk at M.U.S.T. - Global Water Security: Integrated Water Management

An online talk by Prof. Roger Falconer entitled Global Water Security: Integrated Water Management was successfully organized on November 19th, 2022, as part of M.U.S.T.’s talk sessions with prominent scientific figures. Sponsored by Macao’s Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, the talk invited Prof. Roger Falconer, who is an expert in environmental hydraulics, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. President Joseph Hun-wei LEE welcomed and thanked Prof. Falconer on behalf of M.U.S.T. with an opening greeting.

Roger Falconer talking about Global Water Security: Integrated Water Management

Prof. Roger Falconer began by introducing his research experiences in water and water science. He then illustrated the significance of water to global climate and population from the perspective of global water security and gave his opinion that the world is facing an immense challenge from water pollution. Through this, Prof. Falconer elaborated on the issue of global water management, introducing the concept of virtual water or water footprint and stressing the measures to respond to the challenges of water security, such as concentration on the water quality in the eco-system, concentration on the price of water globally, and concentration on building teams of scientists on water science. In his talk, Prof. Falconer presented three case studies and a variety of models built around them, for the audience to have a panoramic view of the issue of water management around the world.

Upon conclusion, Prof. Falconer once again brought to us the challenges the world is facing, and the reflections of the water wasted in daily life. Prof. Falconer also issued his expectation to see contributions by the students to improve the system of global water management.