Contact Us

Counter Services

※ Location: Room R102, Academic Complex, Block R
※ Service Hours : Mondays to Fridays 9:00 am– 1:00pm, 2:30 pm– 6:20 pm (Closed on public holidays)

To facilitate more effective services, please make an appointment through “WeMust APP > Service Center” and come to the Center on time.


Other Contacts


※   Telephone

       General Enquiries (853) 8897-2300
       New Student Admissions (853) 8897-2228

※   E-mail

       General Enquiries [email protected]
       New Student Admissions [email protected]

※   Fax (853) 2882-7666

Academic Affairs Office

※ Telephone

  (853) 8897-2899

※ E-mail

  [email protected]

※ Fax (853) 2882-7666

For enquiries through e-mails, please kindly provide your name, application number/student number and contact number to facilitate our follow up.