MUST Social Service Team and Chinese Ancient Civilization Society of Students’ Union of MUST participated in the 54th Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar

The 54th Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar was successfully held on November 4th to 5th, 2023, at Nautical Center Nam Van Lake. The MUST Social Service Team, under the supervision of the MUST Student Affairs Office, has been actively supporting charitable activities for many years. This year, the Must Social Service Team collaborated with the Students' Union of MUST Chinese Ancient Civilization Society to support a fundraising booth, with nearly 65 students participating in the event. Additionally, the Dorm Pioneers Team and Volunteer Association of the Students' Union supervised by the Student Affairs Office, provided more than 35 members for venue management and safety maintenance during the bazaar. Thus, there were a total of over 100 students participating in this meaningful charity activity alongside members of the Macau public.

The Head of the Student Affairs Office, Ms. Wong Ka Weng (fourth from the right in the second row), and the Assistant Executive Officer, Ms. Tam Kit Leng (first from the left), supported and cheered for the students at the fair.

The theme of this year's Charity Bazaar is “Cultivating Kindness Together and Sharing with Charity.” In response to the charitable activities and allow all teachers and students on campus to participate and support, the MUST Social Service Team set up booths for selling charity raffle tickets at the Lobby Hall of Block N and Block B on campus. They also provided games such as “Look this Way” and “Rock Paper Scissors” for students and teachers who purchased the charity raffle tickets from October 25th to 27th. During the 3-day campus booth bazaar, a total of 517 raffle tickets were sold, reflecting the love and support of the teachers and students of MUST towards the Charity Bazaar. On the day of the Charity Bazaar, the Social Service Team and Chinese Ancient Civilization Society organized an interactive area and a charity sale area, respectively. Students showcased their skills and enthusiasm by offering activities such as hand painting, lucky draws, and number writing games. Additionally, there was a charity sale featuring exquisite animal-shaped headgear, balloons, calligraphy fans, and photo frames. The on-site booth was vibrant and attracted the support of many children and citizens.

The event provided an opportunity for the students of the Social Service Team and the Chinese Ancient Civilization Society to demonstrate the enthusiasm and responsibility of the students of MUST, spreading love and happiness to more people. A team member who participated in the activity said, “The two-day charity sale made me feel a lot. When I saw children smiling with balloons in their hands, witnessed the students' passion in choosing MUST merchandise, and observed the joy of participants after winning calligraphy works, I truly understood the significance of this activity. When contributing to society, individuals are no longer insignificant. Through individual and team cooperation, participating in the charity activity through sales gave all of us the opportunity to experience not only the warmth of society but also the vitality and the spirit of mutual assistance and selfless love among the people of Macau! ”

The Head of the Student Affairs Office, Ms. Wong Ka Weng (on the right), the Assistant Executive Officer, Ms. Tam Kit Leng (on the left), and the Director General of Caritas Macau, Pun Chi Meng (in the middle), took a group photo.

Caritas Macau is a social service organization in Macau that aims to provide social welfare services. All funds raised by the Charity Bazaar, after deducting expenses, will be utilized to develop new types of social services and improve existing non-subvented projects.


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Address: Room J108, Block J, Gymnasium, MUST, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau