Mr. Junhao Zhou won the IEEE Outstanding Paper Award in CPSCom-2019


Congratulations to Mr. Junhao Zhou, a PhD. student supervised by Prof. Hong-Ning Dai, recently won the IEEE Outstanding Paper Award in the IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical and Social Computing 2019 (CPSCom-2019 was held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA). The paper entitled "Portable Convolution Neural Networks for Traffic Sign Recognition in Intelligent Transportation Systems". CPSCom covers both Cyber-Physical System (CPS) and Cyber-Social System (CSS) as well as their further integration, the Cyber-Physical-Social System (CPSS). CPSCom-2019 provides a high-profile, leading-edge forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present state-of-art advances and innovations, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future of CPSS.


Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have the strength in traffic-sign classification in terms of high accuracy. However, CNN models usually contain multiple layers with a large number of parameters consequently leading to a large model size. The bulky model size of CNN models prevents them from the wide deployment in mobile and portable devices in Intelligent Transportation Systems. In this paper, we design and develop a portable convolutional neural network (namely portable CNN) structure used for traffic-sign classification. This portable CNN model contains a stacked convolutional structure consisting of factorization and compression modules. We conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed Portable CNN model. Experimental results show that our model has the advantages of smaller model size while maintaining high classification accuracy, compared with conventional CNN models.