中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳科大) /澳門藥物及健康應用研究院 State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicines (M.U.S.T.) / MIAR - Macau Institute for Applied Research in Medicine and Health |
姓名:姜志宏 Name: Jiang Zhihong 職稱:講座教授 Title: Chair Professor 職務:副校長、澳門藥物及健康應用研究院院長、中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳科大)主任 Position: Vice President of M.U.S.T., Director of Macau Institute for Applied Research in Medicine and Health, Director of State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (M.U.S.T.) 專業領域:天然藥物化學、代謝組學、生物有機化學、中藥質量標準分析 Areas of Expertise: Natural Product Chemistry, Metabolomics, Bioorganic Chemistry, Quality Control Analysis of Chinese Herbal Medicines 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2777 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:朱依諄 Name: Zhu Yizhun 職稱:講座教授 Title: Chair Professor 職務:協理副校長、藥學院院長 Position: Associate Vice President of M.U.S.T., Director of School of Pharmacy 專業領域:分子藥理、中藥有效成分的開發研究 Areas of Expertise: Molecular Pharmacology, Development and Research of Active Ingredients in Traditional Chinese Medicine 受訪語言:普通話、英語、德語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English, German 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2880 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:黄錦偉 Name: Vincent Wong Kamwai 職稱:教授 Title: Professor 職務:中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳科大)助理主任、“埃爾文內爾博士生物物理與創新藥物實驗室” 執行主任 Position: Assistant Director of State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicines (M.U.S.T.), Executive Director of “Dr. Neher’s Biophysics Laboratory for Innovative Drug Discovery” 專業領域:利用模擬分子對接及組學技術作創新藥物研究、天然藥物治療癌症的分子機制及靶標研究、癌細胞自體吞噬研究、癌細胞凋亡耐受性機制研究 Areas of Expertise: Molecular Docking and Omics Technology for Innovative Drug Research, Mechanistic Studies and Drug Targets Identification of Natural Products for Cancer and Inflammatory Diseases, Autophagy and Cancer, Apoptosis-Resistant Mechanism in Cancer 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2408 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:吳其標 Name: Wu Qibiao 職稱:教授 Title: Professor 職務:中醫藥學院助理院長 Position: Assistant Dean of Faculty of Chinese Medicine 專業領域:呼吸系統疾病診治 Areas of Expertise: Diagnosis and Treatment of Respiratory Diseases 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2792 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:肖穎 Name: Xiao Ying 職稱:教授 Title: Professor 職務:醫學院課程主任 (食品與營養科學) Position: Faculty of Medicine’s Program Director (Food and Nutritional Sciences) 專業領域:營養與疾病、食品安全的風險評估、食品安全的毒理學評價 Areas of Expertise: Nutrition and Diseases, Risk Assessment in Food Safety, Toxicology Evaluation in Food Safety 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2607 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:白麗萍 Name: Bai Liping 職稱:教授 Title: Professor 專業領域:天然產物化學研究、中藥活性成分的結構修飾、中藥活性成分與DNA、RNA、多肽等生物大分子相互作用的機理研究 Areas of Expertise: Natural Products Chemistry, Structural Modification of Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Medicines, Interaction of Pharmacologically - Active Constituents from Chinese Medicines with Biomacromolecules (DNA, RNA And Peptides) 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2403 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:李婷 Name: Li Ting 職稱:教授 Title: Professor 專業領域:天然產物治療炎症及自身免疫性疾病的分子機理研究、中西藥物協同作用的減毒增效研究、利用組學技術對免疫抑制藥物作用機理的研究 Areas of Expertise: Molecular Targeting and Treatment Mechanisms of Natural Products on Inflammatory or Autoimmune Diseases, Synergies of Natural Products and Western Drugs, Omics Technology for Immunosuppressive Drug Research 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2401 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:張偉 Name: Zhang Wei 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 職務:中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳科大)助理主任 Position: Assistant Director of State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicines (M.U.S.T.) 專業領域:化學計量學在分析化學中的應用、藥物分析(化學及儀器分析)、化學藥物與中藥的藥代動力學和新陳代謝研究、基於現代分析技術的中藥成分分析及質量控制 Areas of Expertise: Use of Chemometrics Methods to Deal With All Steps of Analytical Procedures, Pharmaceutical Analysis (Chemical and Instrumental Analysis), Pharmacokinetic and Metabolism Study of Chemical Drugs and Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM), Phytochemical Analysis and Quality Assessment of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) Based Modern Instruments 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2463 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:羅婉君 Name: Betty Law Yuenkwan 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:細胞自體吞噬的生物分子機理研究、細胞自體吞噬作用與治療腦神經退化性疾病的關係、從草藥中篩選具自體吞噬作用的活性成分作藥理研究 Areas of Expertise: Cellular Regulation and Signaling of Autophagy, Molecular Mechanisms that Underlying Autophagy and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Novel Drug Discovery from Chinese Medicinal Herbs for Neurodegenerative Disorders 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2407 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:李娜 Name: Li Na 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:中藥中的活性成份研究、中藥中的毒性成份及作用機理研究 Areas of Expertise: Bioactive Constituents of Chinese Medicines, Toxic Constituents and Mechanism of Chinese Medicines 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2405 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:羅培 Name: Luo Pei 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:利用活細胞可視化技術作創新藥物研究、傳統中藥物治療缺血性心臟病的分子機制研究、缺氧心肌細胞的綫粒體動態變化機制 Areas of Expertise: Living Cell Image Technology for Innovative Drug Research, Molecular Targeting and Treatment Mechanisms of TCM on Ischemic Heart Disease, Mitochondrial Dynamics Mechanism in Hypoxia Cardimyocyte 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2402 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:馬文哲 Name: Ma Wenzhe 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:抗腫瘤天然產物的篩選及機理研究 Areas of Expertise: Screening and Mechanism Study of Natural Products with Anti-Cancer Activity 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2462 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:伍建林 Name: Wu Jianglin 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:利用色譜-質譜和/或核磁共振串聯技術對各種樣品中的目標和非目標化合物進行定性和定量分析研究、利用代謝組學和蛋白組學整合分析方法研究中藥作用機理 Areas of Expertise: Determination of Targeted and Non-targeted Components in Different Samples Using LC-MS and LC-MS-NMR, Integrated Analytical Approach of Metabolomics and Proteomics for Mechanism Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2406 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:吳強 Name: Wu Qiang 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:幹細胞生物學、表觀遺傳學、腫瘤生物學 Areas of Expertise: Stem Cell Biology, Epigenetics, Cancer Biology 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2708 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:徐友華 Name: Xu Youhua 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 職務:中醫藥學院助理院長 Position: Assistant Dean of Faculty of Chinese Medicine 專業領域:中藥對糖尿病和心血管疾病的作用研究 Areas of Expertise: Studies of Chinese Medicines on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2452 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:顏培宇 Name: Yan Peiyu 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:中醫針灸、中醫內科 Areas of Expertise: Chinese Acupuncture, Chinese Internal Medicine 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2465 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:張志鋒 Name: Zhang Zhifeng 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:中藥的資源鑒定及品質評價 Areas of Expertise: Studies on the Resource Identification and Quality Assessment of Chinese Medicines 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2431 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:朱國元 Name: Zhu Guoyuan 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:生物有機與藥物化學、天然藥物化學 Areas of Expertise: Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2429 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:竺曉鳴 Name: Zhu Xiaoming 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:高通量藥物篩選、天然活性藥物發現、納米材料生物應用 Areas of Expertise: High-throughput Drug Screening, Vascular Active/Anticancer Drug Discovery from Natural Products, Nanomaterials’ Biomedical Applications 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2753 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:于海杰 Name: Yu Haijie 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:中藥有效成分篩選、離子通道、神經科學 Areas of Expertise: Screening of Active Ingredients in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ion Channels, Neuroscience 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3354 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:范星星 Name: Fan Xingxing 職稱:副教授 Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:分子藥理、肺癌機理、癌症免疫 Areas of Expertise: Molecular Pharmacology, Lung Cancer Mechanism, Cancer Immunity 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3539 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:陳敏 Name: Chen Min 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:針灸治療痛症與神經系統疾病機理的研究、針灸結合經方治療內分泌系統病症的基礎與臨床研究 Areas of Expertise: Studies on Mechanism of Acupuncture in Pain Treatments and Neurological Disorders, Fundamental and Clinical Research of Integrative Treatments for Endocrine System Disorders With Acupuncture and Classical Remedies 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2411 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:黃琛 Name: Huang Chen 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:生物資訊學,基因組學,轉錄組學 Areas of Expertise: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Transcriptomics 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3163 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:侯盼盼 Name: Hou Panpan 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:離子通道的作用機制與調控、靶向離子通道的藥物篩選 Areas of Expertise: Mechanism and Regulation of Ion Channels, Drug Screening by Targeting Ion Channels 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3750 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:李欣志 Name: Li Xinzhi 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 職務:藥學院課程主任 Position: Program Director of School of Pharmacy 專業領域:細胞信號轉導,抗炎藥物的發現與機制 Areas of Expertise: Cell Signal Transduction, Discovery and Mechanism of Anti-inflammatory Drugs 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3082 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:馬麗娟 Name: Ma Lijuan 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:減數分裂同源重組、非整倍體與早期流產、DNA損傷修復 Areas of Expertise: Meiotic Homologous Recombination, Aneuploidy and Early Abortion, DNA Damage Repair 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3537 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:王曉琳 Name: Wang Xiaolin 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:新型藥物/基因輸送系統的研究與開發 Areas of Expertise: Research and Development of New Drug, Gene Delivery Systems 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3261 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:于麗麗 Name: Yu Lili 職稱:助理教授 Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:中醫辨證方法研究 Areas of Expertise: Studies on Syndrome Differentiation Method in Traditional Chinese Medicine 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2497 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:嚴通萌Name: Yan Tongmeng 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:中藥小核酸藥理活性及其作用機制,RNA 結構鑒定及其表觀遺傳學特徵與生理病理狀態關係,腫瘤藥物代謝酶活性及表達相關研究 Areas of Expertise: Pharmacological Activity and Mechanism of Small Nucleic Acid in Chinese Medicine, RNA Structure Identification and its Epigenetic Features Between Physiological and Pathological States, Tumor Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Activity and Expression 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:保羅高爾 Name: Paolo Saul Coghi 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:抗癌及抗炎藥物研發 Areas of Expertise: Anti-cancer and Anti-inflammatory Drug Development 受訪語言:意大利語、英語 Spoken Language: Italian, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2853 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:張欣 Name: Zhang Xin 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:臨床用藥安全,癌症發病機制的研究 Areas of Expertise: Clinical Medication Safety, Research on Cancer Pathogenesis 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3085 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |
姓名:周娜 Name: Zhou Na 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:臨床藥物合理使用,精神病症和癌細胞的分子遺傳學研究 Areas of Expertise: Rational Use of Clinical Drugs, Molecular Genetics Research on Mental Disorders and Cancer Cells 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3084 電子郵件E-mail: [email protected] |