Prof. Yu Qiu Yu, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of MUST Revisited the “Character of a Nobel Man in Ancient China”

In the afternoon of September 12, Prof. Yu Qiu Yu, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts (FA) of MUST presented a lecture titled “Friendship, Reputation & ‎Hypocrisy – A Revisit to the Character of a Nobel Man in Ancient China” to the University’s teachers and students. President of MUST, Chair Prof. Liu Liang, Academic Advisor of the Chancellor, Prof. Xu Ao Ao, Vice President, Prof. Chen Xi, Associate Vice President and Dean of the University International College, Prof. Sun Jian Rong, Executive Vice Dean of the FA, Prof. Zhang Zhi Qing and around 500 teachers and students attended the lecture.

During the lecture, Dean Yu Qiu Yu took how he got his name for example and introduced to the audience the nature of culture, i.e. culture doesn’t lie in its external shape; instead, it has meanings that are more profound; then he started introducing the core topic of the Chinese culture – the character of a noble man. When arguing about Chinese culture, Prof. Yu pointed out that the core of the traditional Chinese culture lies in its collective personality, while the collective personality of the Chinese is the character of the noble man. Afterwards, his lecture developed along three lines: friendship, reputation, and hypocrisy, and was backed up by examples of remarkable ancient Chinese figures. The lecture hall was fully packed, the audience followed the lecture attentively and felt the lecturer’s wisdom words with heart, and the lecture was punctuated by multiple applauses whenever the lecturer gave an inspiring remark.

At the end of the lecture, the Dean noted that an honest life under the illuminating sky is the true happiness and true happiness is true life; he encouraged the audience to pursue only true life. He concluded that “the character of a noble man” is not just an academic problem; it is also a lesson passed on by the predecessors; he encouraged the teachers and students to be a down-to-earth and carefree man because such is a noble man.

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Dean Yu Qiu Yu gave the lecture