Contact Us

Traffic information

Office hours:
Monday to Friday (9:00 – 20:00)
Saturday (9:00 - 13:00)
[Close at Public Holidays]

Address: O607, 6/F Block O, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau
   (853) 87961998 [Other Programs]
   (853) 87961999 [Degree Programs]
Fax: (853) 28750019
Email: [email protected]

Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong Corporate Membership

WSET Approved Programme Provider

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health(CIEH, U.K.) Registered Centre

Join our mailing list:
The School of Continuing Studies develops life-long learning opportunities. Should you wish to receive information on our programs / courses, please send us an email (to [email protected]) stating your email address in your email and “Join the mailing list” in the Subject line.

In-house Training:
We also offer in-house training for corporations/Government Departments/schools, tailor-made with respect to your choices of topics, time, place, and group of attendees. Please contact us for more information.