M.U.S.T Held the 1st Service Industry Operation and Innovation Short-term Program for the East China Normal University

The first "Service Industry Operation Innovation Short-term Program," jointly organized by the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM) of Macau University of Science and Technology (M.U.S.T) and East China Normal University, Faculty of Economics and Management, was successfully held from April 9 to 11, 2024. The program aims to demonstrate both universities' commitment to providing cutting-edge education and bridging academia and the service industry. The officiating guests included Dr. Luo Jiaqi, Associate Professor at East China Normal University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Mr. Shen Shupeng from East China Normal University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Prof. Ben K. Goh, Dean of FHTM, Associate Dean Prof. Timothy Lee, and Assistant Deans Dr. Wong Weng Chou and Dr. Zhang Yang, attended the opening ceremony in Room O610 of M.U.S.T.

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Group Photo

Professor Ben K. Goh, Dean of FHTM, delivered a welcome speech and expressed that it was a great honor to co-organize with the Faculty of Economics and Management of East China Normal University. FHTM is dedicated to promoting the development of Macao's tourism and hotel industry, cultivating talent in collaboration with various academic institutions, and contributing further to Macao's social and economic development. He was hopeful for continued and deeper collaboration between the two institutions to help power the sector’s rapid development.


Prof. Ben K. Goh Presented a Souvenir to Dr. Luo Jiaqi

For this short-term training program, FHTM adopts an experiential learning approach. Highly esteemed professors such as Professor Ben K. Goh, Professor Tian Qing, and Assistant Professor Wang Shuo offered their knowledge and expertise during the course. To provide a comprehensive educational experience, participants visited the M.U.S.T. campus, toured the MGM Integrated Resort, and explored the operations of Air Macau. Furthermore, an "Academic Salon" event facilitated exchanges and idea-sharing among master's students from East China Normal University and FHTM. This exchange activity fostered a dynamic learning atmosphere and encouraged interdisciplinary academic exchanges, effectively broadening research perspectives.

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Students Visited MGM Cotai

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Students Visited Air Macau

Students expressed that they benefited from this short course. Most of them work in the industry and felt enlightened by the discussions on organizational and consumer behavior in the Gen Z era. It significantly boosted their professional development in the Service Industry. They expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality of the teachers and students at Macau University of Science and Technology.

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Closing Ceremony