法學院Faculty of Law |
姓名:方泉Name: Fang Quan 職稱:教授Title: Professor 職務:院長Position: Dean 專業領域:刑事法學 Areas of Expertise: Criminal Jurisprudence 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2243 電子郵件E-mail: qfang@must.edu.mo |
姓名:黎曉平Name: Li Xiaoping 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:法哲學、羅馬法、法律史, 比較法 Areas of Expertise: Philosophy of Law, Roman Law, Legal History, Comparative Law 受訪語言:普通話、法語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, French 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2040 電子郵件E-mail: xpli@must.edu.mo |
姓名:孫南申Name: Sun Nanshen 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:經濟法、 國際經濟法、國際私法 Areas of Expertise: Economic Law, International Economic Law, Private International Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 1936 電子郵件E-mail: nssun@must.edu.mo |
姓名:吳漢東Name: Wu Handong 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:民商法 Areas of Expertise: Civil Law and Commercial Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2967 電子郵件E-mail: hdwu@zuel.edu.cn |
姓名:范健Name: Fan Jian 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:商法、經濟法、國際商法 Areas of Expertise: Commercial Law, Economic Law, International Commercial Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2935 電子郵件E-mail: jfan@must.edu.mo |
姓名:曹霞Name: Cao Xia 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:環境法、比較環境法、能源法、法律英語、法律經濟學 Areas of Expertise: Environmental Law, Comparative Environmental Law, Energy Law, English for Law, Law & Economics 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3370 電子郵件E-mail: xcao@must.edu.mo |
姓名:易在成Name: Yi Zaicheng 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:國際私法、國際經濟法、知識產權法 Areas of Expertise: Private International Law, International Economic Law, Intellectual Property Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2119 電子郵件E-mail: zcyi@must.edu.mo |
姓名:朱世海Name: Zhu Shihai 職稱:教授Title: Professor 專業領域:憲法、行政法、政治學 Areas of Expertise: Constitution Law, Administrative Law, Political Law 受訪語言:普通話 Spoken Language: Mandarin 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 1932 電子郵件E-mail: shzhu@must.edu.mo |
姓名:黃明健Name: Huang Mingjian 職稱:副教授Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:民商法、環境與資源法、法理學 Areas of Expertise: Civil Law and Commercial Law, Law of Environment and Resources, Jurisprudence 受訪語言:普通話 Spoken Language: Mandarin 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2247 電子郵件E-mail: mjhuang@must.edu.mo |
姓名:沈雲樵Name: Shen Yunqiao 職稱:副教授Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:商法、公司法、知識產權法、法律經濟學 Areas of Expertise: Commercial Law, Company Law, Intellectual Property Law, Law and Economics 受訪語言:普通話 Spoken Language: Mandarin 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2035 電子郵件E-mail: yqshen@must.edu.mo |
姓名:王傳輝Name: Wang Chuanhui 職稱:副教授Title: Associate Professor 專業領域:經濟法、國際與比較法、法和經濟學 Areas of Expertise: Economic Law, International and Comparative Law, Law and Economics 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2108 電子郵件E-mail: chhwang@must.edu.mo |
姓名:謝耿亮Name: Xie Gengliang 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 職務:課程主任Position: Program Director 專業領域:民商法、比較法、爭議解決 Areas of Expertise: Civil and Commercial Law, Comparative Law, ADR 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2127 電子郵件E-mail: glxie@must.edu.mo |
姓名:畢經緯Name: Bi Jingwei 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 職務:課程主任Position: Program Director 專業領域:民商法、羅馬法、比較法 Areas of Expertise: Civil and Commercial Law, Roman Law, Comparative Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語、德語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English, German 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2965 電子郵件E-mail: jwbi@must.edu.mo |
姓名:牟效波Name: Mou Xiaobo 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 職務:課程主任Position: Program Director 專業領域:憲法學與行政法學 Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3547 電子郵件E-mail: xbmou@must.edu.mo |
姓名:彭運朋Name: Peng Yunpeng 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:商法,經濟法,金融法 Areas of Expertise: Business Law, Economic Law, Financial Regulation 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3548 電子郵件E-mail: yppeng@must.edu.mo |
姓名:朱峰Name: Zhu Feng 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:國際經濟法、歐盟法 Areas of Expertise: International Economic Law, EU Law 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3286 電子郵件E-mail: fezhu@must.edu.mo |
姓名:代孟良Name: Dai Mengliang 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:警察學、犯罪學 Areas of Expertise: Chinese Policing, Sociology of Crime 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 1996 電子郵件E-mail: mldai@must.edu.mo |
姓名:薛文超Name: Xue Wenchao 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:刑法學、犯罪學、刑事司法制度 Areas of Expertise: Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminal Justice 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3292 電子郵件E-mail: wcxue@must.edu.mo |
姓名:周挺Name: Zhou Ting 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:憲法、行政法、港澳基本法 Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Basic Law of Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話 Spoken Language: Mandarin, Cantonese 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 1764 電子郵件E-mail: tzhou@must.edu.mo |
姓名:肖惠娜Name: Xiao Huina 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:稅法、環境法、金融法、規制與守法、法律和社會 Areas of Expertise: Tax Law, Environmental Law, Financial Law, Regulation and Compliance, Law and Society 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2351 電子郵件E-mail: hnxiao@must.edu.mo |
姓名:王佳Name: Wang Jia 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:國際法、國際刑法 Areas of Expertise: International Law, International Criminal Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2967 電子郵件E-mail: jiwang@must.edu.mo |
姓名:張傳奇Name: Zhang Chuanqi 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:民商法 Areas of Expertise: Civil and Commercial Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語、德語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English, German 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3364 電子郵件E-mail: cqzhang@must.edu.mo |
姓名:王榮國 Name: Wong Weng Kuok 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:憲法、行政法、港澳基本法、法律葡語 Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Basic Law of Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR, Legal Portuguese 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 2312 電子郵件E-mail: wengkuokwong@must.edu.mo |
姓名:周沁 Name: Zhou Qin 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:民商法、金融法、法律社會學、比較法學 Areas of Expertise: Civil and Commercial Law, Financial Law, Legal Sociology, Comparative Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3366 電子郵件E-mail: zhouqin@must.edu.mo |
姓名:王萬里 Name: Wang Wanli 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:憲法學、行政法學、行政訴訟法學、港澳基本法、港澳法律制度、區域發展 Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Administrative Litigation Law, Basic Laws of Hong Kong and Macau, Legal Systems of Hong Kong and Macau, Regional Development 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3235 電子郵件E-mail: wlwang@must.edu.mo |
姓名:陳芹 Name: Chen Qin 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:刑法學 Areas of Expertise: Criminal Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3233 電子郵件E-mail: qchen@must.edu.mo |
姓名:王超 Name: Wang Chao 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:公司證券法、國際經濟法、勞動法、人工智能法、比較法、法律實證研究 Areas of Expertise: Company and Securities Law, International Economic Law, Labor Law, Artificial Intelligence Law, Comparative Law, Empirical Legal Research 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3240 電子郵件E-mail: wangchao@must.edu.mo |
姓名:廖斯 Name: Liao Si 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:民商法、知識產權法 Areas of Expertise: Civil Law, Intellectual Property Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3241 電子郵件E-mail: liaosi@must.edu.mo |
姓名:郭怡廷 Name: Guo Yiting 職稱:助理教授Title: Assistant Professor 專業領域:民商法 Areas of Expertise: Civil Law and Commercial Law 受訪語言:普通話、英語、德語 Spoken Language: Mandarin, English 聯絡電話Contact No.: +853 8897 3043 電子郵件E-mail: guoyiting@must.edu.mo |