Textbook Service is a services provided by the library. library to assists all the teachers and students in ordering and distributing textbooks according to the list of textbooks is designed by the faculties or lectures.
Scope of Responsibilities
- To negotiate for the best prices with book publishers from all over the world;
- To arrange and organize the bi-yearly (spring and autumn) and summer classes book ordering, purchasing, to collect payments and to distribute teaching materials to students;
- To arrange for the storage and stock keeping of teaching materials and books;
- To draft, revise and modify the regulations for book ordering, payment and collection;
- To organize the printing of self-developed teaching material of the University;
- To keep track of the different programs offered by the faculties of the University, numbers of courses, estimated numbers of enrolled students, and to collect the feedback on the quality and usage of teaching materials;
- To search for information on teaching materials; to provide faculties with book recommendations, and to conduct relevant analysis and evaluation;
- To assist ITDO to set up and monitor the WeMust Studetn App “MUST books” and the textbook management system.