FHTM Postgraduate Students Involved in Professional-oriented Experiential Learning Activities

The FHTM 2018 postgraduate students participated in various professional-oriented experiential learning activities during March 2019.

Led by assistant professor Fang Qingqing, students majoring in hotel management visited the school of hospitality and tourism management (SHTM) of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the ICON training hotel on March 27 (Picture 1). The visiting group toured various facilities of SHTM including the doctoral students’ library, academic building and Hotel ICON. Accompanied by the hotel’s guest service officer, the group visited the hotel guest rooms, the restaurant, the inner garden and were informed about the environmental management innovations in that hotel, such as the ROCA wastewater treatment and the soap recycling, etc.

Guided by assistant professor Li Ming, students majoring in MICE management attended the 2019 Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (MIECF) which was held at the Venetian Macao Exhibition Centre on March 28 (Picture 2). The MIECF is an efficient platform to promote environmental cooperation among all walks of life. From this activity, students were able to learn about the event operation and management, as well as new energy, new materials, new equipment, and cultural and creative products displayed by the well-known exhibitors from various fields both domestic and overseas.

Students majoring in tourism planning, led by assistant professor Zhang Yang, visited the Qinghui Garden in Shunde city, a major historical and cultural site protected at the national level on March 30 (Picture 3). Teamed up, students experienced the planning and operation of tourism routine through itinerary management, transport and food bookings, and tour interpretation, understood the landscape characteristics of Lingnan garden and investigated the cultural and geographical connections between classical garden and modern city.

Students obtained more professional practice experiences and knew how to combine theories from books with practice, based on which experience they learned to figure out problems and conduct future research. Meanwhile, students in these learning activities demonstrated their various good qualities and abilities through enthusiastic participation, sufficient preparation and convincing performance.

Picture 1 & 2


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PATA 2017