Doctor of Philosophy in Science

DPS Program Objectives

  1. DPS graduates will be inspiring leaders in information technology or related fields.
  2. DPS graduateswill become successful researchers or innovators with vision and foresightedness.
  3. DPS graduateswill become dedicated and engaging educators. 

DPS Learning Outcomes

A DPS degree graduate at MUST should be able to:

  1. Contribute to the advancement of knowledgeby conducting original research that addresses questions of significance in a particular subject area of a computing field.
  2. Analyze and articulate the scientific advances and limitations of existing results as described in the research literature.
  3. Demonstratein-depth knowledge of a particular subject area and broad knowledge of other areas in a chosen computing field.
  4. Communicate effectively scientific and research findings.
  5. Uphold ethical standards and integrity of scientific process in research, teaching, and professional service.

Contact Us

Address: A206, Macau  University of Science and Technology,  Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau

Bachelor's Program:

Tel        : (+853)8897-2103
E-mail   : [email protected]
Fax       : (+853) 2882-3280

Master's Programs:

Tel        : (+853)8897-2021
E-mail   : [email protected]
Fax       : (+853) 2882-3280

Doctoral's Programs:

Tel        : (+853)8897-1990
E-mail   : [email protected]
Fax       : (+853) 2882-3280