澳科大學生在IEEE 綠色能源技術學生工作坊獲金獎

    澳科大資訊科技學院四年級本科生張力同學在 IEEE 綠色能源技術學生工作坊獲金獎, 表揚他與隊友提出有關綠色能源技術方面的創意概念。IEEE 綠色能源技術學生工作坊是在2009 年7 月16 日至19 日在新加坡舉行的2009 年IEEE 第10區學生代表大會125 週年紀念的活動之一。張力同學是來自澳門高等院校參賽者中的唯一獲獎者。

     Senior student ZHANG Li of the Faculty of Information Technology at Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) has recently received the GoldHonours for his work on Innovative Idea Presentation in the IEEE Student Workshopon Green Power/Technology for Future Sustainable Development in the IEEE 125thAnniversary Region 10 Student Congress 2009 held on July 16-19, 2009 in Singapore.ZHANG Li is the only recipient of participants from Macao tertiary insititutions.
