Medical Service
University Hospital, which located on the campus, is a subsidiary of Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) Foundation. Being the teaching arm of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Chinese Medicine of MUST, UH is the only medical system in Macau that combines clinical, teaching, and research support. The round-the-clock medical service of MUST is fully supported by UH as well.
The Hospital is a comprehensive medical facility with comfortable environment and state-of-the-art medical equipment. A wide range of hospital services are provided by a team of professionals and specialists from overseas, mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.
The Hospital’s outpatient department offers specialties in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine, and Dentistry. It provides a range of clinical services covering oncology, aesthetic medicine with cutting-edge medical technologies. The Hospital is also equipped with advanced facilities such as interventional catheterization laboratory, operating theatre, intensive care unit (ICU) and service centers including: International Medical Centre, Specialist Centre of Chinese Medicine Faculty, Executive Health Management Centre, Integrated Rehabilitation Service Centre, Medical Imaging Diagnosis Centre, Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis Centre, Endoscopy Centre, Haemodialysis Centre, Centre of Aesthetic Medicine.
The Hospital is equipped with 108 beds in total, including 60 inpatient beds and 48 beds at haemodialysis center. University Hospital will continue to provide high-quality, convenient, and comprehensive medical services to the public.
Outpatient clinic hours:
9:00 – 21:00 from Monday to Sunday
Telephone for Enquiry/Appointment:
(853) 2882 1819 / 2882 1838
School Health Service: (853) 6211 0338