MUST Publication Awarded Top-5 Most Cited Paper by International Journal

The US Journal Clinical Immunology has recently presented a commendation certificate to Professor Christopher W K Lam of Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) for his publication in 2008 being awarded Top-5 Most Cited Paper over the 2006 to 2010 5-year cycle. This paper entitled “Hyperproduction of IL-23 and IL-17 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: Implications for Th-17-mediated inflammation in auto-immunity” explained clinical manifestations of affected patients consequent to activation of a novel T-helper lymphocyte pathway in auto-immune and other inflammatory diseases.  

The new findings and their feasible translation to therapeutic strategy have received intense attention by international colleagues. To-date this top-5 paper has been cited over 90 times. It has also become the top-1 cited international SCI paper since 2007 published by tertiary and research institutions in Macau SAR.

Professor Christopher W K Lam, who led this study from Macau Institute of Applied Research for Medicine and Health (MIAR) in MUST, has taught clinical immunology and directed hospital pathology services for nearly 30 years. His major research areas are Allergy and Clinical Immunology, including clinical trials of anti-cancer Chinese medicines on their efficacy in immunological modulation. Internationally he has published over 400 SCI papers accruing an h-index of 40 for impact and citations.

The journal Clinical Immunology (impact factor = 3.932) publishes mainly on diagnosis and treatment of immunological diseases (e.g. auto-immunity and immunodeficiency), as well as experimental studies of pathogenic mechanisms and clinical trials. The quality of its papers is highly recognized internationally by colleagues in clinical medicine and therapeutics.