The following are guidelines for preparing for a self-evaluation report:
The self-evaluation document should be factual, explicit and should indicate its data sources. It should include evidence from, and make reference to, the following:
- Program specifications
- Annual program reviews
- External Examiners’ reports
- Student recruitment, admission, progression and completion data
- Reports (if any) from accrediting or other bodies
- Feedback from former students and their employers;
- Data on the first destination of graduates;
- Comparability with other higher education institutions or other external benchmarks
- Internal policy and review documents, as appropriate
The following documents, inter alia, should be referred to/included in the document pack to accompany the report:
- Program specifications for the programs under review
- Staff handbook
- Program handbook
- Student handbook
- Quality assurance handbook
- Annual program reviews for the last three years for the program under review
- Annual program review data
- External Examiners reports for the last three years
- Course handbooks
- Prospectuses and program documentation
- Full course documentation
- Admission requirements
- Organizational chart
- Website screen prints
- Faculty strategic plan
- Record of staff development for the current academic year and the preceding two academic years
- Departmental policy documents and codes of practice on curricula, equal opportunities, learning, teaching, assessment, student support, marking and examinations, plagiarism and cheating, Boards of Examiners, External Examiners, appeals, disciplinary action, quality assurance, strategy and action plans.
- Summaries of studies regarding: (a) the effectiveness of the degree program, and (b) the effectiveness of graduates
- Evidence that annual goals are set and that assessment of success occurs
- Summaries of studies of alumni and former students’ satisfaction with their preparation
- Findings from surveys of student satisfaction
- Minutes of meetings of curriculum development bodies and advisory groups
- Instruments and procedures used to measure program effectiveness
- Selected examples of student work that illustrate the different levels of achievement at different points in the program
- Documentation of students’ success in achieving program outcomes, including collections of student work
- Examples of assessment tools used to assess student achievements, attainments and competencies, and the ‘value added’ provided by the program
- Any outside evaluation or accreditation reports that may relate to the program
- Copies of the program’s student evaluation form and a summary of students’ evaluations of faculty and courses
- Materials and pro-formas used in the academic development and reviewing process
- Summaries of grade/GPA distribution studies
- Copies of policies regarding admission and retention of students, remedial and support work, awarding of credit, and policies governing public service
- Evidence the curriculum has breadth, depth, balance, progression, coherence, relevance, continuity, differentiation, sequencing and structure
- Program exit outcomes: knowledge, skills, dispositions, competencies
- Program proficiency levels: exit and midpoint
- Evidence that the general education outcomes are integrated into the degree requirements
- Evidence that library skills are integrated into the learning process
- Instruments and procedures used to measure educational program effectiveness
- Reports and documents from external advisors and External Examiners
- Documentation of students’ success towards achieving program outcomes
- Faculty CVs
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