Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management

陳妤婕 - 助理教授

Chen, YuJie - Assistant Professor

親愛的2019 級酒店與旅遊學院的畢業生們:




鄭文達 - 助理教授 Cheng, Man Tat - Assistant Professor

Cheng, Man Tat - Assistant Professor

Go and explore serendipity

A graduation ceremony signifies the end of a long chapter in one’s life. The sense of joy, achievement and anticipation is likely to be accompanied by some uncertainty. From time to time, I have students wanting my advices on their next step upon graduation. I found myself responding in bewilderment and with a pinch of embarrassment. ‘I haven’t been that sure about myself in my study and career, how on earth can I offer you an insight?’ I mumbled. We live in a world of change. My past experience and knowledge might not hold true today. Suffice to say, my position has delimited my capacity to catch up with the ever changing technological and econ-political landscapes. In other words, the incomplete information I possess should not be the context of guidance I shall offer to students. Instead, I share methodologies.

Conventional wisdom of the Management discipline suggests that an individual should set a vision, formulate an aim and work out a number of objectives that will eventually lead to her life goal. The world has seen no shortage of success stories inspired by this logic. Sir James Dyson spent five years to invent the world’s first bagless vacuum cleaner, after testing 5,127 prototypes. Nothing stays the same in Dyson but innovation. Now it is entering into the electric car arena. No worries. You need not to be the like of Dyson to adopt strategic management for your immediate future. I am just saying this methodology is full of research and constant evaluation of the situations along the road. This is for those who are able to think and act ahead, when the average people live in the present. We all need, to a greater or lesser extent, this methodology.

Another methodology that has inspired me personally is so called serendipity. There are some variations of its definition if you look up different dictionaries. Merriam Webster’s is a good entry point – the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for. Serendipity dates back to the 18th century. English writer Horace Walpole read a fairytale of three Persian princes sailing off to explore fortunes and they reached Serendip (today it is known as Sri Lanka). They have discovered things that have never appeared in their life. They made adventures and encountered unexpected and new things ‘by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of’.

Serendipity is not luck. Without the individual taking the initiative to go out and explore, luck will never come by. We live in a world of change. Our own future is gripped with incomplete information. I encourage all of you to be inquisitive – expand your knowledge, interests, hobbies, language skills and be alerted to everything surrounds us; ask critical questions towards issues and do not miss out global debates (ok, I will stop, as I don’t want to be laughed at my c-word, although I never know why…) Connect your personalities and self-interests to the above areas. So, why do you need to do a second degree immediately? Why can’t you take a gap year? Why can’t you study and work at the same time? Do not get me wrong, I am not saying you should not continue your study. It is just that I do not want you to limit yourself to just one or two possibilities. Research, contemplation and go out.

One day, when you found yourself in Serendip, you are the best person to experience serendipity.



 Dana, Kan Yean Phinn -  導師 Instructor

Dana, Kan Yean Phinn - Instructor

CONGRATULATIONS to every one of you!!! I am so proud of you. Finally, your 4 years of hard work pays off. When you first started your university life, I believe many of you have a thought "I have 4 years to suffer." Today you looked up for the first day when you entered MUST, it feels like yesterday. Time flies! I hope you enjoy your university life like how I enjoy working in MUST, teaching and sharing with all of yo Hoping your 4 years in MUST brings lots of skill, knowledge, experience, friendship, happiness, joy and memories to you. Some of you might further your studies and some of you might start to find a job. Therefore, ended your studies in MUST is not the end. It is the beginning of your new cycle of the next step which you choose to do. Many of you came telling me that you are confused, don't feel like joining the hospitality line or don't even know what you want to do. Let me tell you there are no guarantees in life except loving yourself.

When I was in college, I remember I told myself I would not step into the food and beverage line as it is a tough and tiring job. Serving the guest day and night, what is so fun about it? But then I started working as a waitress when I was a student back in England as this job allows me to earn some pocket during the evening after my class. Guess what? I fall in love with food and beverage. Meeting with guest and colleague from all over the world is so wonderful. Looking at those fine, delicious and creative presentation food is so fascinating. Even dealing with the guest complaint which makes me down but yet I got the feeling of satisfaction and makes me think more on how to deal with it the next time.

Before I became a restaurant manager, I worked in food and beverage operation for about 5 years. In year 2009, I came to Macau and getting to know the culture of Macau hospitality and I decided to start from the bottom to be a food and beverage trainer which I have zero experience in doing training but still will be able to apply all my skills and knowledge from my previous experience which I really enjoyed. I can't believe I quit the job I love after more than 4 years because of my children. After a couple of months of being a full-time mother, I was fortunate to be asked to teach part-time in one of the colleges in Macau which I never expected. Soon, I applied to teach part-time in MUST and I got the job too. 2 years of working part-time in both places, having opportunities and get to actively involved in my children school activities and also meeting my friends more often. What can I ask for more with this life? After 2 years of working part-time, I know I can manage both my children and career well and that is when I decided to took up MBA so that I can proceed with my career in teaching full time. Never have I thought that there would be so many changes throughout my life even I got married. So, who said I would have to be a waitress or working in food and beverage operation for my whole life? I am still doing what I love but is in just a different way. Teaching all of you is great and makes me feel even younger. You may not know it, but you’re fantastic!

Indeed, certification is an easier way for you to proceed to the next cycle of life. It is like a passport for you to be able to enter any country you wish. So, don't be afraid to give it a try. Don't be scared to go after your dream no matter how unattainable others think it is. Sometimes life is about risking everything no one can see but you. If you never chase your dreams, you will never catch them. Never try never know. But of course, chasing your dream needs a lot of passion, effort and hard work. Nothing comes easily. You will need to be prepared to face the up and down but never give up. Be positive! Today is hard, tomorrow will be worst, but the day after tomorrow will be rainbow and sunshine.

REMEMBER to do what you love and what makes you happy as long is legally, morally and ethically. Life is beautiful.

Good luck and wishing you all the very best in your future undertakings and hope to see you all again somewhere someday. Do keep in touch with all of us in MUST.



羅筱妍 Luo, XiaoYan

Luo, XiaoYan

似乎自己還是四年前才入學懵懵懂懂的新生。從初到澳門的新奇到如今的熟悉依戀,四年的時間里遇見了不同的人,體驗了不同的事物,不得不感歎在這座小島上发生太多值得让我一生回味的事情了!在科大我遇見了很好的老師,他們給了我太多的啟發,鼓勵以及幫助。同時還與一群志趣相投的夥伴相遇,想想自己所有的開心以及不開心都有你們的參與和陪伴,就覺得無比感激。四年的學習不僅僅讓我瞭解到專業的相關知識,更是培養了我獨立思考的能力,還有無數個Group Project所鍛煉出來的團隊協調合作,每個都讓我受益匪淺。不僅如此,最幸運的莫過於有機會一直做自己熱愛的事情-唱歌,站在表演和比賽的舞臺上的感覺都讓人無比享受。畢業快樂!

馬倩琳 - Ma, QianLin

Ma, QianLin

I never regret to spend four years in here with regard to all the experiences I have had. It’s also a cornerstone for me to step forward and reach another tip of the world.





歐陽月珊 Ao Ieong, Ut San

Ao Ieong, Ut San

大學四年的時間,轉眼即將完結。在廚藝上,從大一一個一竅不通、手忙腳亂的初學者,到現在能獨當一面、老師信任的準畢業生;當中與同學們一起成長、打鬧,老師的傾盡心思的教導過程,定必佢成為人生中難忘的回憶。眼見學院廚房環境不斷的改進及優化,學弟學妹們必定能學習比我們更多的知識,作為學姐的我也羨慕起來。由在課室內上課、到酒店實習、參與校外比賽,回想就像昨天發生一樣。在此感謝老師們的包容及教導 ,同學們的幫助及努力。也祝同學們前程錦繡。