1. Advanced Research Method
The subject is designed to equip students with advanced research methods in decision-making and policy analysis. The interactive teaching and case study methods will be used in the delivery of the subject. Upon completion of the subjects, the students should be able to effectively use the quantitative methods learnt in the subjects in analyzing and solving the complex problems they may face.
2. Macro Economics Analysis in Tourism
Tourism is recognized as an economic activity of global significance. This complex and multi-faceted industry plays an important role in the economies of many developed and less developed countries. Although the impact of the tourism industry on economic life is generally positive, the economic costs are not insignificant. Additionally, the economic benefits of tourism may be offset by adverse environmental and social consequences. The major objective of this course is to give the macroeconomic picture of tourism’s role within national economies, with specific reference to the Macau and other countries cases. Since socio-cultural and environmental impacts also form an essential part of the evaluation of the long-term advantages and disadvantages of tourism development, these issues will also be covered in some detail.
3. Strategic Tourism Management
The major objective of this course is to create an awareness of the strategic planning process and how it influences organizations in the travel industry. Students will gain a thorough understanding of tourism policy making and learn how to establish and apply innovative strategic planning approaches that are in line with corporate policies.
Students will learn about the relationship between policy and practice and how to develop effective mechanisms to monitor issues and trends. The necessary tools needed to analyze, define, plan and manage the changing tourism environment will be explored.
4. Theories of Hotel Management and Comparative Case Studies
The Theories and practices of Hospitality Industry in today's rapidly changing global marketplace will be review. It encourages students to plan, develop, market, and manage hotels in the international arena. International Hospitality’s issues and trends will be explored through Comparative Cases.
5. Comparative Studies of MICE Development
This is a course designed to enhance the students’ knowledge and skills in the planning and management of special events including gallery openings, festivals, exhibitions and sporting events in the global arena. Comparative Studies method will be used to evaluated the international trends in MICE development
6. Theories and Methodologies of Gaming Sociology
This course will cover topics related to gaming and society. We will examine briefly the history of the gaming industry in leading casino cities, and the social consequences generated by it. Works of theorists, such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, and Mead will be considered. Four tendencies in the development of the gaming industry will be covered: legalization, popularization, entertainment, and modernization.
7. Case Analysis of Cultural Heritage Tourism
This course analyses the nature and importance of cultural heritage as capital for tourism. Issues of cultural and artistic authenticity, identity production and marketing, and commodification of both the tourists and the toured will further be examined. Case studies from Macau and other parts of the world will be studied to identify specific socio-economic and cultural costs and benefits associated with this kind of tourism. The course will also explore approaches and policies of cultural heritage management and conservation to enable sustainable tourism development, with particular emphasis on the cases of Macau and Pearl River Delta.
8. Literature Review
This course involves extensive literature reviews of tourism and hospitality management. It explores tourism practices as major worldwide cultural, social and economic forces. The literature review examines travel history, policy, trends and problems in the industry. It evaluates the impact of tourism at different levels and discusse marketing principles associated with the hospitality industry.