International Tourism Management Core Courses
BITM1301 Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Business (3 credits)
This course introduces the development of the tourism and hotel industry. Topics include general concepts of tourism, travel motivations, scope and structure of travel organizations and travel-related professions. Basic issues regarding hotel management will also be discussed.
BITM1302 Tourism Geography (2 credits)
The course presents basic knowledge and scope of geography related to tourism, including the understanding of the relationship between tourism and geographic locations, climate and ecology. The course further explains the interrelationships among geography, culture and tourism in the various regions of the world.
BITM1303 Microeconomics (3 credits)
This course discusses the economics of a business enterprise. Content includes the theory of business enterprise, supply and demand, market structures, resource allocation, and government policies.
BITM1904 Tourism Economics (3 credits)
This course analyzes the economic effect of local tourism at the micro and macro level. Students are also taught the methodology of cost and profit analysis to enable them to analyze the economic aspects of local tourism.
BITM1306 Passenger Transportation (2 credits)
This surveys the overall structure of the passenger transport through an analysis of various elements including the nature, economy and pricing of the major modes of transportation for the tourism industry.
BITM1307 Travel Agency Operations and Management (3 credits)
Information on the structure, various departments and the corresponding functions of a travel agency will be provided. Students will be guided in performing tasks related to reservation procedures including travel tour, transportation and hotel rooms for customers, alongside the use of the computer reservation systems.
BITM1308 Introduction to Management (3 credits)
The course provides students with a general knowledge of management in terms of the organizational design, structure, culture, inside and outside stakeholders, and the pattern and discipline of organizational operations. Various functions of management such as managing organizational processes, technological environment, and organizational environment will be discussed. Tools like case studies and group projects will be employed, in order to ensure students’ understanding of this subject.
BITM1905-01, BITM1905-02 Professional English I,II (6 credits)
Professional English will be divided into at least two portions to be offered to BITM students. The first portion namely Professional English I aims to develop students' English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on expanding their vocabulary on tourism-related topics and situations. Comprehension and summary skills will be developed through magazine articles, news stories, and materials that are available on the web and are specifically tourism and hospitality industry related. Students will be expected to submit major written assignments and give oral presentations as culminating activities for the course.
Professional English II aims to equip tourism and hospitality practitioners and students preparing to enter this field with English language skills so that they can adapt to such working environments easily. The course uses a task-based approach. Particular emphasis is placed on realistic and integrated communication tasks. Comprehension and summary skills will be developed through role-plays and simulation activities. Articles from magazines, news stories, cultural tips and other materials that are available on the Internet and are specifically tourism and hospitality industry related will also be used. Students will be required to submit major assignments and to give multimedia presentations as course requirements.
BITM1905-03 Professional English III (4 credits)
This course is designed for students to enhance their English proficiency for further studies in international tourism and professional development in the hospitality industry. The purpose of the course is to consolidate their grammatical knowledge and acquire key vocabulary related to tourism. In addition, the students will learn professional skills in realistic tourism context for future applications.
BITM1909 Services Management in Hotel and Tourism Industry (3 credits)
This course provides students with the knowledge of the different types and characteristics, the communication system and quality management of the hotel and travel service industry through case studies.
BITM1310 Introduction to Accounting (3 credits)
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of financial accounting. Major topics include: accounting cycle, bookkeeping, inventory valuation, appraisal of fixed tangible assets and intangible assets, and preparation and analysis of accounting reports.
BITM1311 Business Statistics (3 credits)
This course focuses on analysis of data and the theoretical underpinnings of probability and statistics. Content includes probability, statistical distribution, sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, multiple regression, and random process.
BITM1312 Tourism Marketing (3 credits)
This course introduces the theories and principles of tourism marketing, analysis and evaluation of the market for the tourism industry, elimination of inappropriate market information and application of marketing strategies.
BITM1913 Finance (3 credits)
This course is about basic concepts and techniques of financial decisions. Topics include financial report analysis; risk and return; capital budgeting; and valuation of stocks and bonds.
BITM1914 Human Resource Management (3 credits)
Principles and strategic purposes of human resources management will be explored in this course. Students will acquire an understanding of the relations between human resources management strategies and business strategies that are necessary to maintain the competitiveness of the company.
BITM1315 Tourism Law (3 credits)
In this course, students will be provided with information concerning the international tourism organizations in major countries, tourism legislation, safety management plans applying to the travel industry, regulations for tour guide and legislation for the hotel and tourism industry. In addition, the possible consequences of failure to satisfy legal obligations will be examined.
BITM1316 Management of Leisure and Entertainment Tourism (3 credits)
This course helps students to understand the origins and concepts of leisure and entertainment tourism, the scope, psychology and expectations of participants of leisure and entertaining activities, and to incorporate this understanding into the promotion, development and planning, operations and management of leisure and entertainment business.
BITM1317 Theories and Practice of MICE (3 credits)
This course discusses the development and scope of MICE. Throughout the course, students will learn methods in selecting appropriate venues for MICE activities considering factors which include on-site support, accommodation and transportation, logistics flow and precautions against accidents.
BITM1318 Hotel and Resort Management (3 credits)
This course enables students to understand the different departments, structure and operations of a hotel. In addition, repairs and maintenance of the property and facilities of hotels and resorts will be explored. This course also includes the principles of sanitation and safety precautions.
BITM1319 Tourism Product Quality Management (3 credits)
This course studies the concepts and theories of tourism product quality management which includes the standards and approaches for measuring product quality, and the process and characteristics of inspecting high quality tourism product.
BITM1320 Research Methods in Tourism (3 credits)
This course provides a methodological foundation for doing tourism research. Method here is understood not only as research techniques, procedures, and practices, but also as involving the theories and perspectives that inform the production of a particular kind of research and justify it in terms of knowledge-building skills. By exploring different tourism research methods, students will learn how to apply these methods themselves. Practical examples will be used to illustrate these methods and the problems entailed.
BITM1901 Tourism Psychology (3 credits)
In this course, students will learn about tourism and related participants from psychological perspectives, which covers various topics, such as tourism motivation, attitudes and tourism, personality and tourism, tourism and environment, etc. The course describes the connection between tourism and psychology in research and practice.
BITM1902 Tourism Geography (3 credits)
The course presents basic knowledge and scope of geography related to tourism, including the understanding of the relationship between tourism and geographic locations, climate and ecology. The course further explains the tourism development and environmental protection.
BITM1903 Brand Management (3 credits)
This course introduces brand cultivation and brand operation, which covers the basic concepts of branding, management model, principles and methods of brand design. The course further explains brand operation and maintenance, how to build brand awareness and enhance customer brand loyalty etc.
BITM1905 Tourism and Hospitality Law (3 credits)
In this course, students will be provided with information concerning the international tourism organizations in major countries, tourism legislation, safety management plans applying to the travel industry, regulations for tour guide and legislation for the hotel and tourism industry. In addition, the possible consequences of failure to satisfy legal obligations will be examined.
BITM1906 Tourism Destination Management (3 credits)
This course covers tourism and tourism systems, overview of destinations, localization, destination tourism product development, hospitality and service planning, and destination marketing. Students will be provided information about the relationship between destination management organizations and developers, tourists, suppliers, consumers, local residents and the government.
BITM1907 Seminars by Managers from Tourism Industry (1 credit)
In this course, top management representatives from the tourism industry will be invited to deliver a speech to share their experience and let the students understand what the industry is like. Students will also be given a topic to discuss after the speech. Through the discussion, students can learn more about the supervision and leadership.
Major Elective Courses
Major: MICE Management
MICE1301 MICE Management (3 credits)
This course provides students with the explanation on the origin and the development of the MICE industry. Moreover, the elements essential for the preparation of a MICE function will be discussed which include obtaining sponsorships, budgeting and coordination of function such as equipment testing and registration of participants.
MICE1302 MICE Logistics (3 credits)
This course introduces the logistics flow of a MICE event from planning, budgeting, venue and equipment selection to the designing of program rundown.
MICE1303 MICE Economics (3 credits)
The course discusses the role of MICE in Macao in the recent years, and the direct economic effects of its development and trends in Macao.
MICE1304 MICE Material Design and Production (3 credits)
This teaches the methodology for doing surveys and analysis related to the MICE industry. Through these surveys and analysis, students will be able to understand the development of MICE; the different materials used, their characteristics and the visual effects of each material. Furthermore, MICE product design and production will also be discussed.
MICE1305 Events Management (3 credits)
This course discusses the development and management of events. Topics include the planning of schedules, selection of venues and locations, vendors of related-industry, risk management and professional ethics.
MICE1306 MICE Event and Product Management (3 credits)
This course teaches the management of MICE events including budgeting, obtaining sponsorship, risk evaluation, MICE planning and promotion. Furthermore, coordination of the MICE event will also be discussed concerning equipment, on-site support and registration.
MICE1907 Seminars for Current Issues of MICE Industry (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the MICE industry will be open to students for discussion. Topics include Convention, Exhibition and Special Project Management for MICE industry.
MICE1908 Studies in MICE Industry (3 credits)
This course provides current issues related to the MICE industry so that students will be provided with the most current information concerning the industry.
MICE1901 MICE Operation and Planning (3 credits)
This is a fundamental and comprehensive course of MICE industry. Students will be able to understand the development of the MICE industry, utilize and analyze management and operations issues and identify future trends in the industry.
MICE1902 MICE Logistics and Site Management (3 credits)
This course introduces the logistics flow of a MICE event from planning, budgeting, venue and equipment selection to the designing of program rundown. It further explains the MICE site management.
MICE1903 MICE Marketing (3 credits)
This course provides up-to-date information and advice on MICE marketing technology. It explores the MICE marketing strategies from both conceptual and practical perspectives. The course covers a wide range of MICE marketing activities, including events, meeting and exhibitions.
MICE1904 Event Management (3 credits)
This course discusses the development and management of events. Topics include the planning of schedules, selection of venues and locations, vendors of related-industry, risk management and professional ethics.
Major: Gaming Business Management (3 credits)
GMGT1301 Introduction to Gaming Industry (3 credits)
This course provides basic information on the gaming industry. The main topics discussed include table games and slot operations, the security and surveillance departments, gaming revenue departments and casino marketing. Through this course, students will be able to comprehend the phenomenal growth of the gaming industry.
GMGT1302 Operations of Modern Gaming Industry (3 credits)
This course discusses all the rules and operations related to the gaming industry including issues related to the allocation of human resources, security, taxation, facilities for entertainment, finance and credit.
GMGT1303 Gaming Business Management (3 credits)
This course introduces the organizational structure of the casino, human resources allocation, and operational strategies to enable students to understand the roles and responsibilities of the casino manager and for them to acquire management techniques.
GMGT1304 Gaming Sociology (3 credits)
This course focuses on brief but systematic introduction to the definition, aim, research scope/category, methodology, major theories and empirical strategies for sociology of gambling. It integrates theory with practice, introduces the history of Macao’s gaming industry, the trends of its development, its positive and negative social effects, determines the diagnoses and treatment of gambling-related problems, and finally, the tendency of diversification or verification of gaming and tourism in Macao.
GMGT1305 Gaming Psychology and Casino Marketing (3 credits)
This course analyzes the psychological characteristics of a rational gambler’s gaming motivation and non-rational gambler’s overflow to bet. This course also discusses the measures in the prevention of a non-rational gambler’s overflow to bet, and encourages a rational gambler to bet, introduces gaming psychology and appraises different promotion program’s utilization and benefit.
GMGT1306 Practical Casino Techniques (3 credits)
This course introduces the principles of Casino, dealer position, terms and conditions, regulations and odds of Baccarat and Black Jack.
GMGT1307 Applied Casino English (3 credits)
This course is a comprehensive review of special terms used in the gaming industry and an introduction to report writing focusing on casino operation.
GMGT1908 Current Gaming Industry Research (3 credits)
This course is about marketing strategies, players’ involvement and methods to yield the largest bet. The analysis of the role and outlook for the local gaming industry will be discussed in this course.
GMGT1901 Gaming Business Operation (3 credits)
This course discusses all the rules and operations related to the gaming industry, including issues related to the allocation of human resources, security, taxation, facilities for entertainment, finance and credit. This course introduces the organizational structure of the casino, human resources allocation, and operational strategies to enable students to understand the roles and responsibilities of the casino manager and for them to acquire management techniques.
GMGT1902 Gaming Sociology and Responsible Gaming (3 credits)
This course introduces the history of Macao gaming industry, the future development trend, positive and negative social effects, diagnosis and treatment of pathological gambling. It is a systematically scientific research on social structure, social function, and social interrelationship base on gambling behavior. The definition of gaming sociology, research field and some main theories were systematically introduced. The course further discusses responsible gambling principles, policy, the process and challenge of strategy implementation.
GMGT1907 Seminars for Current Issues in Gaming industry (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the gaming industry will be open to students for discussion. Topics include gaming industry development and gaming business management.
Major: Hotel Management
HMGT1901 Rooms Management (3 credits)
In this course, students will learn about the functional areas and the work flow of the Rooms Division. Other topics included are structure, human resources allocation, service standards and the concepts and applications of room management.
HMGT1302 Hotel Operations (3 credits)
The course introduces functions and responsibilities of both Front Desk Office and Housekeeping staff, practical Front Desk Office management and the strategies in maintaining customer satisfaction. It enables students to understand hotel grading and the target market for hotels of different grades.
HMGT1303 Club Management (3 credits)
This course introduces the outlook and composition of the industry in the tourism business. Through this course, students will understand the responsibilities of club managers for them to acquire necessary management strategies and techniques in the maintenance of environmental safety.
HMGT1905 Food and Beverage Management Practice (3 credits)
This course teaches the overall catering operations and the duties taken up by the catering manager including human resources management, sales management, promotion and daily operations, budgeting and cost analysis, food and beverage purchasing and storage.
HMGT1305 Hotel Conference Operations (3 credits)
Characteristics of conference, décor of conference rooms, service provided by the conference attendants, sales of the hotel conference service and the renting of equipment are introduced in this course. Upon completion, students will acquire the skills necessary for them to contribute to maximizing the profits of a hotel.
HMGT1306 Banquet Planning and Management (3 credits)
This course provides students with the understanding of banquet planning and management. Topics include organizational structure and the various positions in the banquet and sales division, banquet menu planning and seat planning, different types of banquets and program rundown.
HMGT1307 Food and Beverage Cost Control (3 credits)
Students will be taught food and beverage cost control and analysis in this course. Topics include sales and budgeting, catering reports, income and expenditure account, methods for cost analysis and the factors affecting cost.
HMGT1308 Studies in Hotel Management (3 credits)
This course provides current issues related to the Hotel Industry for students’ scrutiny to help them obtain the most current information in both theories and practices.
HMGT1902 Hotel Conference and Banquet Management (3 credits)
Characteristics of conference, décor of conference rooms, service provided by the conference attendants, sales of the hotel conference service and the renting of equipment are introduced in this course. This course also provides students with the understanding of banquet planning and management. Topics include organizational structure and the various positions in the banquet and sales division, banquet menu planning and seat planning, different types of banquets and program rundown.
HMGT1903 Resort Management (3 credits)
This course enables students to understand the different departments, structure and operations of a resort. In addition, repairs and maintenance of the property and facilities of resorts will be explored. This course also includes the principles of sanitation and safety precautions.
HMGT1904 Hotel Revenue Management (3 credits)
This course is designed to develop an understanding of revenue management in the hotel industry. This has become a major strategic tool in the successful operation of these businesses. The module provides an overview of the revenue management, looking all aspects of this activity from a variety of perspectives – strategic, marketing and operations. Students will learn to make revenue management decisions that improve hotel performance.
HMGT1907 Seminars for Current Issues of Hotel Industry (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the hotel industry will be open to students for discussion. Topics include hotel industry development and hotel management.
Major: Cultural Tourism Management
CTM1301 Contemporary Cultural Management (3 credits)
This course introduces the role of postmodernism and globalization in the evolution of cultural tourism. Practical cases of contemporary cultural tourism products will be used to explore the significance of contemporary culture as a tourist commodity. A range of contemporary cultural tourism products such as film and TV tourism, events and festivals tourism, literary tourism and the packaging of contemporary culture as special interest tourism will be introduced.
CTM1302 Cultural Policies and Regulations (3 credits)
This course evaluates the importance of cultural politics to the development and management of the cultural industries sector. This includes an analysis of the policy and political structures and framework that govern and regulate the cultural sector not only in Macao but also in the international context.
CTM1303 Visitor Management and Interpretation (3 credits)
The course focuses on political and ethical issues relating to the interpretation, representation and display of culture in museums and heritage sites and the relationship between visitor management and interpretation. Students will be taught the wide variety of visitor management approaches and techniques, as well as learning and communication theories. Practical examples will be used to evaluate the role of visitor management and interpretation in enhancing the visitor’s experience.
CTM1304 Cultural Industries: Marketing and Development (3 credits)
This course focuses on the theory and implementation of marketing within the cultural industries (public, private and non-profit organizations). Comparisons in marketing approaches in these different types of organizations are investigated with the emergence of social and societal marketing concepts underpinning the philosophical focus of the course.
CTM1305 Cultural Festival and Event Management (3 credits)
The course studies not only the organization, management and promotion of the various types of large scale cultural presentations, ranging from thematic arts festivals, multi-disciplinary projects, public entertainment, community arts projects to celebrative events, but also nurtures students' curatorial capability in identifying, developing and implementing programs for these mega-cultural projects.
CTM1306 Cultural and Heritage Tourism (3 credits)
This courses aims at providing students with the concepts and characteristics of cultural and heritage tourism, and the cultural heritage of various parts of the world. The exploit of cultural heritage, management and preservation of tourism destinations, and the mutual relations between tourists and tour guides will be discussed.
CTM1307 Cultural Tourism and Conservation (3 credits)
This course focuses on the environmental impacts of Cultural tourism including the effects of cultural tourism development on host societies and cultures and on the natural and manmade physical environment. Students will be taught how to counteract negative impacts that will be examined with reference to case studies at regional, destination, site and individual company level.
CTM1908 Studies in Cultural Tourism (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the MICE industry will be open to students for discussion. It aims to enrich the programme with topics concerning cutting edge issues in cultural policy, cultural industries and their management.
CTM1901 Introduction to Cultural Tourism (3 credits)
This course based on the development of the cultural tourism, combined with tourism working practice to learn the basic knowledge in tour guide services such as history and culture, ethnic folklore, tourism geography, classical garden architecture, religion, food culture, and festival activities.
CTM1902 Museum, Exhibition and Collection Management (3 credits)
This course covers basics knowledge of museums, exhibitions and collection management, which includes the history of development and operational foundations. It enables students to gain the latest information on local museum, exhibition and collection management practices from case studies.
CTM1903 Cultural Heritage Management (3 credits)
This course covers the basic concepts of cultural heritage, and explores cases and debates in cultural heritage management. It enables students to learn resources management and planning from the perspectives of social, environmental and economic impacts, and to understand the importance of local residents' life and architectural culture protection in cultural heritage tourism.
CTM1907 Seminars for Current Issues of Cultural Tourism (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the hotel industry will be open to students for discussion. Topics include hotel industry development and hotel management.
Major: E-Tourism
ET1301 Introduction to E-Tourism, Internet and Web Foundations (3 credits)
This course provides an overview of electronic tourism. Business models underlying e-tourism are studied, and information is presented with a balanced approach between business analysis, marketing, network technology, and Web site development. It also introduces students to the basic technologies and tools that make up the current Internet in tourism industry. They also learn the principles of Web page design using W3C standard HTML and the FrontPage 2000 Web Author in Program. The characteristics of an effective e-tourism store front are also presented.
ET1302 E-Tourism Systems Analysis and Design (3 credits)
This orientation course covers the duties of a systems analyst and the information systems common to the small enterprise in tourism industry. Provides fundamentals to understanding the systems development life cycle (SDLC) in five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, maintenance and review.
ET1303 E-Marketing & CRM for Tourism Industry (3 credits)
This course examines the application of Web site technology, site design and content, advertising, promotion, branding, and overall strategies for successful marketing tourism products and services on the Web. It also focuses on CRM data-driven, fact-based activities that E-tourism to attract and retain customers. Emphasis will be made on the customized marketing approach made possible by Web technologies.
ET1304 Networking, Database Design and Development for E-tourism (3 credits)
This course provides an overview of Internet networking technologies and maintenance issues as they relate to E-Tourism. In addition, this course provides an intensive introduction to tourism information access and retrieval systems as they are implemented in database-driven Web sites within tourism sectors.
ET1305 Project Management for E- Tourism (3 credits)
This course presents basic concepts of project management as they apply to a Web environment, including defining project scope, task lists, budgeting resource allocation, tracking, and creating a management flow chart. The concept of E-teams and online collaborative technologies will be introduced.
ET1306 Managing the Digital Tourism Firm (3 credits)
This course is based on the premise that information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive tourism business organizations (or firms), managing global corporations, and providing useful tourism products and services to customers. The course introduces students to business/management information systems and concepts for tourism firms that are vital to the growth of leading-edge global corporations. Fundamental knowledge of tourism information systems and how they are used in support of tourism business operations, management, planning and control will be discussed and reviewed.
This innovative course discusses creating an organizational culture that values knowledge, turning that knowledge into organizational wisdom, and sharing both appropriately across the organization. It emphasizes the use of tourism information technology to acquire and manage tourism business/organizational knowledge. Practical tools and techniques to acquire and share knowledge are discussed. Students who complete this course should have an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the use of tourism information systems to acquire and disseminate knowledge as a key business strategy for gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage.
ET1307 Hospitality Industry Computer Systems (3 credits)
This practice course focuses on computer-based property management systems of both front office and back office functions; examines features of computerized restaurant management systems; describes hotel sales computer applications, revenue management strategies, and accounting applications; addresses the selection and implementation of computer systems; focuses on managing information systems; and examines the impact of the Internet and private intranets on the hospitality industry.
ET1308 E-Tourism Studies (3 credits)
This course provides opportunities for students to investigate some current issues of e-tourism studies as this field develops over time.
ST1901 Introduction to Smart-Tourism (3 credits)
This course offers an overview of the concept and the current work undertaken in the industry in the area of smart-tourism. The role of smart-tourism in advancing the travel industry will be examined from different perspectives such as suppliers, Intermediates, destination management office, and tourists.
ST1902 Marketing in the Era of Smart-tourism (3 credits)
Technology has enabled the development of new marketing approach in the travel business. This course focuses on letting students understand how these new marketing methods can contribute to a smarter travel experience. The course will introduce the recent development in the area of electronic word-of-mouth, social media marketing, relationship marketing, human experience based marketing. The course will also provide a study on customer relationship management from a smart-tourism perspective.
ST1903 Successful Strategy Execution in Smart-Tourism (3 credits)
This course focuses on how tourism organizations can successfully achieve the goal of providing consumers memorable travel experience through the formulation and execution of a smart-tourism strategic. The formulation of strategy needs to consider required resources and capability such as knowledge management, technology management, and business analysis. The execution stage would require knowledge in project management and risk management.
ST1904 Technological Advance in Smart-Tourism (3 credits)
Technology is the key ingredient in the development of smart-tourism services. This course lets student understand the importance and the role of different kinds of technology in smart tourism services. The following technologies will be analyzed and appraised: network infrastructures, cloud computing, web technology, mobile technology, search technology, location service technology, big data, and artificial intelligence.
ST1905 The new Smart-Tourism distribution experience (3 credits)
Traditional travel product distribution is undergoing rapid change with the application of new technologies. These changes focus on giving the tourists a new kind of experience in searching and purchasing the right product in a smart way through different distribution online channels. On the other hand, technology also enables traditional travel agencies to serve their customers using novel approaches. This course focuses on letting students aware of the trends in future travel product distribution, and their impact on tourists’ travel experience.
ST1907 Seminars for Current Issues in Smart-Tourism (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the Smart-Tourism industry will be open to students for discussion. Topics include Smart-Tourism industry development and online travel business management.
ST1908 Studies in Smart-Tourism (3 credits)
This course provides current issues related to the Smart-Tourism industry so that students will be provided with the most current information concerning the industry.
Major: Service Quality and Retail Management (3 credits)
SQM1301 Introduction to Service Quality and Retail Management (3 credits)
This course equips professional service and retail practitioners the skills to master the trends and characteristics of the market, to understand the economic implications of loyal customers, to identify the most appropriate target customers and to create company images through product displaying and selling expressions in order to enhance the overall professional standard and the societal image of Macau.
SQM1902 Management of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Service Industry (3 credits)
This course provides students with an insight into the entrepreneurial nature of the small businesses in the Service Industry as well as a solid grounding in the development and management of human capital and resources, the marketing and management of the finances of a small business in the Service Industry. The course focuses on issues and challenges the small business in the Service Industry facing and aims to improve performance, deepen knowledge and provide useful analytical business tools. The necessary theory will be supported by practical and applied examples and case studies.
SQM1303 Communication Skills for Quality Service Provision (3 credits)
A course in the development of skills designed to give the student insights into written and oral communication for Quality Service Provision. Emphasis is upon the application of written and oral communications
SQM1304 Crisis and Conflict Management in the Service Industry (3 credits)
The course aims at increasing the students’ understanding of the different concepts of crisis management, conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict prevention in the Service Industry. The students will analyze and understand conflicts in these terms and the theoretical development of the concepts.
SQM1305 Brand Marketing and Management (3 credits)
This subject teaches the creation and development of a brand. Through comprehensive studies of the branding development in China and overseas, students will understand the positioning of products in the market. For instance, to study how to effectively create, promote, sell and price a branded product.
SQM1306 Planning and Management of Retail Services (3 credits)
This subject teaches students how to effectively manage retail outlets and motivate their personnel into providing and creating rapport with customers through personnel selling skills, EQ management, and understanding market trends.
SQM1307 Planning and Implementation of Sales Projects (3 credits)
This subject is about learning how to define the mission and service scopes of a project; how to make plans, budgets and assign responsibilities; how to make contingent plans if the inherent plan encounters any barriers to ensure the smooth implementation of a sales project.
SQM1908 Studies in Service Quality and Retailing Management (3 credits)
Students will undertake a project which examines the management of a particular service in terms of retail management and at least two of the following areas but not limited to
Commercial Banking Services, Tourism-related Services, Hospitality Services, Social Warfare Services, Health Services, Emergency Services, Museum Services, Leisure and Recreation Services, Education Services, Legal Services, Transport Services, The Immigration Services, Management of Small Service Enterprises etc.
SQM1901 Retail Management (3 credits)
This course equips professional retail practitioners the skills to master the trends and characteristics of the market, to understand the economic implications of loyal customers, to identify the most appropriate target customers and to create company images through product displaying and selling expressions in order to enhance the overall professional standard and the societal image of Macau.
SQM1907 Contemporary Issues in Service Industry (3 credits)
A series of seminars on various contemporary issues related to the service and retail industry will be open to students for discussion. Topics include service industry development and retail business management.
Elective Courses
MICE1911- Special Topic in MICE (1) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to MICE Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
MICE1912- Special Topic in MICE (2) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to MICE Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
MICE1913- Special Topic in MICE (3) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to MICE Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
MICE1914- Special Topic in MICE (4) (2 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to MICE Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
MICE1915- Special Topic in MICE (5) (1 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to MICE Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
GMGT1911- Special Topic in Gaming Industry (1) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Gaming Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
GMGT1912- Special Topic in Gaming Industry (2) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Gaming Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
GMGT1913- Special Topic in Gaming Industry (3) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Gaming Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
GMGT1914- Special Topic in Gaming Industry (4) (2 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Gaming Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
GMGT1915- Special Topic in Gaming Industry (5) (1 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Gaming Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
HMGT1911- Special Topic in Hotel Management (1) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Hotel Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
HMGT1912- Special Topic in Hotel Management (2) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Hotel Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
HMGT1913- Special Topic in Hotel Management (3) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Hotel Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
HMGT1914- Special Topic in Hotel Management (4) (2 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Hotel Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
HMGT1915- Special Topic in Hotel Management (5) (1 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to Hotel Industry by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
CTM1911- Special Topic in Cultural Tourism (1) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Cultural Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
CTM1912- Special Topic in Cultural Tourism (2) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Cultural Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
CTM1913- Special Topic in Cultural Tourism (3) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Cultural Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
CTM1914- Special Topic in Cultural Tourism (4) (2 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Cultural Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
CTM1915- Special Topic in Cultural Tourism (5) (1 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Cultural Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ET1309 Special Topic in E-Tourism (1) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to E-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ET1310 Special Topic in E-Tourism (2) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to E-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ET1311 Special Topic in E-Tourism (3) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to E-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ST1911- Special Topic in Smart Tourism (1) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to S-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ST1912- Special Topic in Smart Tourism (2) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to S-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ST1913- Special Topic in Smart Tourism (3) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to S-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ST1914- Special Topic in Smart Tourism (4) (2 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to S-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
ST1915- Special Topic in Smart Tourism (5) (1 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to S-Tourism by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
SQM1911- Special Topic in Service Quality and Retailing Management (1) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Service Quality and Retail Management by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
SQM1912- Special Topic in Service Quality and Retailing Management (2) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Service Quality and Retail Management by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
SQM1913- Special Topic in Service Quality and Retailing Management (3) (3 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Service Quality and Retail Management by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
SQM1914- Special Topic in Service Quality and Retailing Management (4) (2 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Service Quality and Retail Management by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
SQM1915- Special Topic in Service Quality and Retailing Management (5) (1 credits)
Special topics will be discussed in relation to Service Quality and Retail Management by means of lectures, lab work, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ knowledge in these areas.
BITM1921- Special Topic in International Tourism Management (1) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to International Tourism Management by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
BITM1922- Special Topic in International Tourism Management (2) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to International Tourism Management by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
BITM1923- Special Topic in International Tourism Management (3) (3 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to International Tourism Management by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
BITM1924- Special Topic in International Tourism Management (4) (2 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to International Tourism Management by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
BITM1925- Special Topic in International Tourism Management (5) (1 credits)
Special issues will be examined in relation to International Tourism Management by means of lectures, lab work, site visiting, seminars or tutorials, with the aim to increase students’ horizon in these areas.
BITM1321 Internship (15 credits)
Internship is the combination of both theory and practice. Specified academic tasks must be completed while the student is involved in real-life experiences. This course aims to develop the professional skills and communication skills in the tourism industry, so as to prepare themselves for entering the workplace.
IE1301 Industrial Experience I (Fellowship) (30 credits)
Focused experience on acquiring key skills and knowledge as a foundation for entry level management position e.g. supervisors.
Overview and work experience within key departments in Hotel Operations
Program coordinator ( T&D) assigned for guidance and consultation
Objective: involvement in day-to-day operation of departments to gain knowledge and skills from a front-line to supervisory level perspective.
In the period of 10 to 12 months, students will not only be required to participate in minimum 800 hours of internship practice, but also need to attend a series of systematic managerial seminar and workshops in the University.