[Notice] The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) -2022 General Scientific Research Funding ( application above 1,000,000 & application below 1,000,000 )

Notice P9

This notice is valid until 2022/07/14.

Dear Leaders and Colleagues:

Our university has received notification from the Macau Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) that applications for the "2022 2nd General Scientific Research Funding" will be accepted after June 13, 2022. The funding categories will be adjusted to a) Applications for more than MOP 1,000,000; and  b)  Applications for less than or equal to MOP1,000,000. Please note that the other funding requirements and rules remain unchanged. For more details please check https://www.fdct.gov.mo/zh_tw/3.html  .The application for the project shall be subject to the version provided by FDCT.

In addition, we would like to remind you that colleagues who are interested in applying for the application must fill out the online system(https://apps.fdct.gov.mo/subsidy/public/index.html#/)and obtain the approval from your Faculty/ Research Institute/ Research Supervisor of Department, then get the original recommendation form (including the opinions and signatures), as well as related attachments should be submitted on or before July  1, 2022 to RTAO. 

Thank you for your kind attention. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.



For details and attachments, please go to Wemust system: https://must.mo/0fqEw