Macau University of Science and Technology
Master of Science (Information Technology)
MIIZ41 Literature Reading and Seminars (3 credits)
This course is designed for graduate students to broaden the knowledge and to understand the development trends in Information Technology. This is a necessary preparation for master thesis. Students need to read certain literatures and attend some seminars in this course, and their achievement will be evaluated by the supervisors.
MIIZ42 Research Methods in Information Technology (3 credits)
This course will cover the research methods in information technology and skills for writing research papers. It will also review some mathematical topics in discrete mathematics, calculus, linear algebra, probability, and numerical analysis.
MIIZ43 Analysis and Design of Algorithms (3 credits)
To design algorithms and give its complexity analysis is the core of computer science. The contents of this course mainly include: dynamic programming, greedy methods, divide and conquer, searching techniques, parallel algorithm, searching and sorting, and NP theory.
Major Courses
Computer and Information Systems
MIIZ11 Software Engineering (3 credits)
This course is designed to introduce the state of the art of the methods for the software development and management as well as the software quality insurance. The main topics covered include: planning and management method of software systems, requirement analysis for software system, advanced technology for software design, programming methodology, testing and maintenance techniques for software, evaluation criteria of software quality, software tools, and software development environment.
MIIZ12 Telecommunication Networks (3 credits)
This objective of this course is to introduce fundamental concepts and protocols of broadband networking. It will cover architectural and protocol concepts for integrating telephony (voice), Internet (data), cable (video), and wireless networks’ traffic into a scalable, high-speed optical networking infrastructure, and discuss the advanced topics on networking.
MIIZ13 Computer Architecture (3 credits)
This course aims at the introductions of various techniques to enhance the performance of computer systems, the required EDA tools and the methods and tools for system debugging.
MIIZ14 Database Systems (3 credits)
The course aims to provide a foundation in understanding of database design principles, implementation and management. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and execute the steps involved in the design of a database, implement the design via a relational database management system, maintain the goal of data sharing and consistency of database systems.
MIIZ15 Cryptography and Information Security (3 credits)
Data security is of extreme importance in the network and information based society. Cryptography is an effective technology for keeping security. The main topics covered include: block cryptography, public key cryptography, stream cryptography, digital signature, personal identification, and verification techniques.
MIIE01 Advanced Topics in Information Technology (3 credits)
This course aims at the introduction of the state-of-art technology in information technology area, including new technology, new development methods, new tools and products etc. this course is organized as seminars on special topics. The contents can be updated in each year.
MIIE02 Digital Image Processing (3 credits)
This course will give lectures to introduce the principle, technique and application of digital image processing and pattern recognition, including digital image preprocessing, feature extracting and analysis; statistical pattern recognition and structural pattern recognition and their application in different areas. Students will be asked to select some special topics in the PRIP area based on the contents they have learnt from the course, search and read related papers, and then give a survey report on the topics selected.
MIIE11 Distributed Systems (3 credits)
The course will introduce the principles of distributed system. The main topics covered include: definition, goals and hardware of distributed system, Internet, Web and middle-ware, client-server model, distributed communication, process, synchronization, security, fault systems and tolerance, distributed object-based systems, and distributed file systems, etc.
MIIE12 Network Programming (3 credits)
This course will help students to construct a clear image of network programming and support them to develop network-based application more smoothly. Main topics covered include: OSI network model, socket, some commonly used protocols, non-blocking I/O, P2P and compression.
MIIZ22 Wireless and Mobile Networks (3 credits)
This course will introduce the state-of-art technology in wireless and mobile networks, including wireless transmission technology, wireless PAN/LAN/MAN/WAN, Mobile IP, ad hoc networks, sensor networks, wireless mesh networks. This course will provide fundamental knowledge of wireless and mobile networks to students.
MIIE13 Data Warehouse and Data Mining (3 credits)
This course will introduce the principle, technique and application of Data warehouse and Data Mining, including Data Warehousing and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), data Preprocessing techniques (data cleaning, integration, transformation and reduction), Data Mining techniques (Data classification, prediction, correlation and clustering), their application and developing trends.
MIIE14 Computer Graphics and Visualization Technology (3 credits)
This course focuses on the 3D Computer Graphics including Representation and modeling of 3D objects; viewing pipeline for 3D objects; techniques for visible surface detection; illumination models; ray-tracing and radiosity methods; texture mapping techniques; real-time rendering techniques for photo-realism images; introduction to virtual reality.
MIIE15 Security Management in Information Systems (3 credits)
This subject will consider the security measures in place to protect a modern information system from attack both internally and externally. It will discuss the following methods: network arrangement for security, firewalls, trip-wire technology, virtual private network, encryption standards, encryption techniques, public key encryption, advanced encryption standard. Moreover it will consider ways in which a system could be under attack, e.g., spams, distributed denial of service attack. Furthermore, it will consider security policies, and their audit in modern enterprises.
MIIE16 Information Service Management (3 credits)
This subject seeks to introduce students to the idea of service as a science, in which service quality can be measured using various metrics. Then, students will be introduced to ideas of how to manage the performance of service science to a particular standard of performance measures.
Communication Engineering
MIIZ21 Mobile Communications (3 credits)
This course will introduce the architecture, channel characteristics, modulation and coding, line access technology, anti-fading and anti-interference technology of mobile communication systems as well as the new applications in mobile communications.
MIIZ22 Wireless and Mobile Networks (3 credits)
This course will introduce the state-of-art technology in wireless and mobile networks, including wireless transmission technology, wireless PAN/LAN/MAN/WAN, Mobile IP, ad hoc networks, sensor networks, wireless mesh networks. This course will provide fundamental knowledge of wireless and mobile networks to students.
MIIZ23 Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
The objective of the course is to train students understanding the principle of digital signal processing. The course covers basic signal and system concepts; analysis of time domain, frequency domain, complex frequency domain, and z-domain of signals and systems; Fourier transform and its properties, sampling theorem, Laplace transform, Z-transform and its use in the analysis of discrete-time signal and systems.
MIIZ24 Digital Communication Systems (3 credits)
This course will introduce the architecture, classification, communication methods, major performance indicators of the digital communication systems, including digital baseline transmission systems, digital frequency band transmission systems, multiplexing technology.
MIIZ12 Telecommunication Networks (3 credits)
This objective of this course is to introduce fundamental concepts and protocols of broadband networking. It will cover architectural and protocol concepts for integrating telephony (voice), Internet (data), cable (video), and wireless networks’ traffic into a scalable, high-speed optical networking infrastructure, and discuss the advanced topics on networking.
MIIE01 Advanced Topics in Information Technology (3 credits)
This course aims at the introduction of the state-of-art technology in information technology area, including new technology, new development methods, new tools and products etc. this course is organized as seminars on special topics. The contents can be updated in each year.
MIIE02 Digital Image Processing (3 credits)
This course will give lectures to introduce the principle, technique and application of digital image processing and pattern recognition, including digital image preprocessing, feature extracting and analysis; statistical pattern recognition and structural pattern recognition and their application in different areas. Students will be asked to select some special topics in the PRIP area based on the contents they have learnt from the course, search and read related papers, and then give a survey report on the topics selected.
MIIE11 Distributed Systems (3 credits)
The course will introduce the principles of distributed system. The main topics covered include: definition, goals and hardware of distributed system, Internet, Web and middle-ware, client-server model, distributed communication, process, synchronization, security, fault systems and tolerance, distributed object-based systems, and distributed file systems, etc.
MIIE12 Network Programming (3 credits)
This course will help students to construct a clear image of network programming and support them to develop network-based application more smoothly. Main topics covered include: OSI network model, socket, some commonly used protocols, non-blocking I/O, P2P and compression.
MIIZ15 Cryptography and Information Security (3 credits)
Data security is of extreme importance in the network and information based society. Cryptography is an effective technology for keeping security. The main topics covered include: block cryptography, public key cryptography, stream cryptography, digital signature, personal identification, and verification techniques.
MIIE21 Multimedia Signals and Systems (3 credits)
This subject intends to introduce students to the notion of multimedia signals and their processing techniques. There are various methods for representing a multimedia signal, e.g., time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain, and eigen-domain. Such representations will be used to characterize multimedia signals. Moreover, filter designs for multimedia signals will be considered. Some adaptive processing techniques, e.g., hidden Markov models, random field models, state space models will be considered for modeling multimedia signals.
MIIE22 Information Theory (3 credits)
This course will introduce errors probability and decoding rules, relationships of coding methods. Students are required to master two typical decoding methods: Hamming distance and minimum distance and several simple error detection and correction coding methods.
MIIE23 Telecommunications Systems Management (3 credits)
This subject will consider aspects of telecommunication system management. Primary the main concern would be the management of the performance of the telecommunication systems, as a function of the transmission medium, the performance of protocols in the system, the interaction of the performance of the systems with different layers of the standard hierarchy of seven layers, and the tuning of parameters in different layers to optimize performance. Moreover, there will be some discussions on the regulation aspects by CCITT on the operation of telecommunication systems.
MIIE24 Stochastic Processes (3 credits)
Stochastic process is to study time-varying random phenomena. This course will introduce the basic theory and applications of stochastic processes from an engineering perspective, including basic concepts of stochastic processes, Possion processes, Markov chains, queuing theory.
Space Information Technology
MIIZ23 Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
The objective of the course is to train students understanding the principle of digital signal processing. The course covers basic signal and system concepts; analysis of time domain, frequency domain, complex frequency domain, and z-domain of signals and systems; Fourier transform and its properties, sampling theorem, Laplace transform, Z-transform and its use in the analysis of discrete-time signal and systems.
MIIZ24 Digital Communication Systems (3 credits)
This course will introduce the architecture, classification, communication methods, major performance indicators of the digital communication systems, including digital baseline transmission systems, digital frequency band transmission systems, multiplexing technology.
MIIZ14 Database Systems (3 credits)
The course aims to provide a foundation in understanding of database design principles, implementation and management. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and execute the steps involved in the design of a database, implement the design via a relational database management system, maintain the goal of data sharing and consistency of database systems.
MIIZ31 Planetary Science (3 credits)
This course will introduce the origin and structure of the solar system, internal structure of planets, surface geology, creation mechanism of craters, planetary atmospheres and dynamics, structure of planetary rings, asteroids, classification and distribution of comets and dwarf planets.
MIIZ3 Introduction to Remote Sensing Technology (3 credits)
This course will introduce the basic principles of remote sensing technology, including the physics of remote sensing, remote sensing image processing, remote sensing in Earth, Lunar, and other planets.
MIIE01 Advanced Topics in Information Technology (3 credits)
This course aims at the introduction of the state-of-art technology in information technology area; including new technology, new development methods, new tools and products etc. this course is organized as seminars on special topics. The contents can be updated in each year.
MIIE02 Digital Image Processing (3 credits)
This course will give lectures to introduce the principle, technique and application of digital image processing and pattern recognition, including digital image preprocessing, feature extracting and analysis; statistical pattern recognition and structural pattern recognition and their application in different areas. Students will be asked to select some special topics in the PRIP area based on the contents they have learnt from the course, search and read related papers, and then give a survey report on the topics selected.
MIIE13 Data Warehouse and Data Mining (3 credits)
This course will introduce the principle, technique and application of Data warehouse and Data Mining, including Data Warehousing and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), data Preprocessing techniques (data cleaning, integration, transformation and reduction), Data Mining techniques (Data classification, prediction, correlation and clustering), their application and developing trends.
MIIE14 Computer Graphics and Visualization Technology (3 credits)
This course focuses on the 3D Computer Graphics including Representation and modeling of 3D objects; viewing pipeline for 3D objects; techniques for visible surface detection; illumination models; ray-tracing and radiosity methods; texture mapping techniques; real-time rendering techniques for photo-realism images; introduction to virtual reality.
MIIE31 Space Plasma Physics (3 credits)
This course will introduce space plasma physics, including single particle motion, fluid and kinetic models of plasma, waves in plasma, plasma instability, kinetic theory and nonlinear effects, and basic magneto hydrodynamics.
MIIE32 Numerical Simulations in Space Science (3 credits)
This course will introduce numerical simulations of magneto hydrodynamic, hybrid, and particle-in-cell models as well as their parallel implementations. These models can be used in simulating the solar wind interaction with solar system bodies.
MIIE33 Celestial Mechanics (3 credits)
This course will introduce the basic principles of classical mechanics, two-body problem, three-body problem, n-body problem, resonance, tides, orbital perturbations, and the numerical integration of long-term evolution of orbits.