Compulsory Courses
MHPZ01 Principles of Public Health (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to history, principles, concepts, systems and practice of public health. Topics on global public health issues, determinants of health, public health policies, health care systems, measurement of health and needs, public health advocacy, disease control and health promotion are covered.
MHPZ02 Epidemiology (3 credits)
This course aims to provide candidates with a conceptual and theoretical approach to understand the role of epidemiology in public health and in health care research. Topics include definitions and uses of epidemiology, concepts of health, disease and risk factors, measurements in epidemiology (rates, proportions, variation, validity and reliability), vital statistics, descriptive epidemiology (person, place and time), study designs (basic principles, conduct, disease control and prevention, evaluation), meta-analysis, causality, and critical appraisal of published information.
MHPZ03 Biostatistics (3 credits)
This course aims to introduce to candidates fundamental statistical theories and concepts, including probability theories, Central Limit Theorem, population and sampling distributions, theories on point and interval estimations, etc. The primary emphasis will be placed on elementary statistics for medical and health researches.
MHPZ04 Environmental Health Sciences (3 credits)
The course provides basic understanding of environmental influence on health and environmental causes of diseases. The objectives are: 1) to understand the relationship between environment and health and the importance of taking a good environmental and occupational history; 2) to know the common environmental hazards, stemming from containment of air, water, food and toxic waste, and their effects on health; 3) to be aware of possible and potential environmental factors contributing to symptoms and signs observed in the individual or groups of patients; and 4) to know about the principles involved in the prevention of environmental health problems.
MHPZ05 Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Public Health (3 credits)
This course aims to examine public health issues and responses from a social and behavioral sciences perspective and to explain social, cultural, political, economic, and behavioral determinants of disparities in health status among population subgroups.
MHPZ06 Public Health Policy, Strategy and Evaluation (3 credits)
This course examines the development, planning, implementation and review of health policy, taking into account the roles of the government, politicians, health professionals, community groups, academics, national and international influences in the health care reforms and specific health interventions. The strategy in the improvement and changes in the practice of public health and the evaluation of the process, outcome and accountability of policies in relation to other public and social policies are examined.
MHPZ07 Health Education and Promotion (3 credits)
This course introduces the principles of health education and behavioral change for promoting individual and population health. It focuses on the actual planning, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion and behavioral intervention programs in different settings at the individual, small group, community, and societal levels, such as the workplace, schools, health care organizations, and the community. Students will examine different theoretical models for health promotion in terms of their different aims, methods, and means of evaluation. A major emphasis is to critically examine the influences of socioeconomic environment on health and health promotion. There will also be qualitative and quantitative techniques for needs assessment, identification of opportunities for and barriers to promoting health and wellness among individuals and population.
MHPZ08 Health Services Management (3 credits)
This course introduces organizational and management theory as applied in practice in health services. Subjects include the concepts of organization design and behavior, management theory, managing people and organizing work, leadership, managing change and change theory, using evidence to guide management decision-making and methods for the assessment of organizational effectiveness. Practices of management covering issues of strategic management, marketing, human resource, financial, operations, support services, information, communication, medicolegal issues, risk and crisis management, and quality management in health care organizations will be addressed. Inductive sharing of experiential management in diverse organizational settings will be elicited from among course participants.
MHPZ09 Health Information Systems (3 credits)
This course teaches the principles and practices of information technology and systems in health care services with reference to the conventional and electronic means. The concept of minimal data set and its impacts in communication among providers and the design of health information systems are discussed. Participants will share experiences from the practical applications of information system in their organizations.
MHPZ10 Special Topics in Public Health (3 credits)
Special topics in relation to public health will be discussed or studied by means of lectures, practices, seminars or tutorials with the aim to broaden or deepen the students’ knowledge in this area.