Applications for the Postgraduate Programs for fall 2023 Admissions Are Now Open

Prospective Students

Applications for the Postgraduate Programs for fall 2023 Admissions Are Now Open

Applications for fall admission to the master's and doctoral programs for the 2023/2024 academic year will be open on September 6, 2022. Interested and qualified applicants should submit their online applications through the Online Application System before the application deadline.

Find out more 

Important Dates: 

Postgraduate Prospectus: 

Application Documents: 

Online Application System: 

Programs offered

Doctoral degree programs: 

Master’s degree programs: 


The university provides scholarships for graduate applicants, including: 1.Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship; 2. Postgraduate Studentships (PGS); 3.Scholarships for Sports and Arts Elite. After admission, the applicant will also have the opportunity to obtain an institutional scholarship. More information: 

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